Meow Circulation: 194,421,304 Issue: 766 | 27th day of Sleeping, Y19
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A Candy Pun

He had quite a big collection too.

by eenlee
The Trials of Neopia's #1 Gamer: Part II


Also by artemislknight

by bha288

Head in the Clouds: Aisha Eyes

The power of their vision is just too great for this world.

by yoshisislandbandit

Where did that coconut come from?

by draggi_pi2
A Pear of Shoes

I love you, too!

Also by o_babypet4me_o

by truebrony

A Claw-ful Pun

He only had one pupil...

by kennielee
Petpet Battles: Expectations vs. Reality


by vortext

Someone got off the wrong foot...

by timezor
Second Helping

Can I have another, please?

Also by kevinthinksyourcute

by whssoftball11

Faerie Caverns Logic

I guess you have to try tomorrow!

by arijuka
Bargain or Bust?

I'm finally a Baby Aisha!

Also by sosuleaf

by marbear_4u

Random Oddness

This is why Dartenne needs supervision.

by mistyqee
Make Some Noise!

Make some noise with Balthazar!

by xsugarush
A Royal Problem

You have nothing to worry about...

by dopestarinc
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"Of Silence: the Two Arts" by theschizophrenicpunk
Simeon shrugs again as he closes the violin case, then pushes it back to the foot of the bed. “I just... play what I’m feeling,” he says. “It’s been so many years now, the melodies just come naturally depending on my mood, I guess.” “That’s...” Kanrik really doesn’t know what to say. “You’re... beyond amazing, Simeon...” It’s only now — at the sound of the thief’s half-mumbled words — that Simeon starts to realise... he hasn’t heard the sound of genuine praise in years. He’d forgotten what it felt like to be admired for anything other than his strength and brutality. To be proudly referred to as anything other than ruthless and cruel. Any semblance of respect that had been paid to him in the past dozen-or-so years had only ever been in fear, or out of supposed necessity, or feigned in an attempt to ensure safety or a job well done. It feels so painfully foreign... But he manages to hide all those thoughts behind another eyeroll. “Too much faith,” he echoes himself. Kanrik snickers, though the laughter is sparkling with an undertone of admiration. “I don’t need to have faith in you to think that you’re a wonderful musician,” he says.

Other Stories


Terry’s Terrible Mood and The Awesome Incredible Day
Yes, everything in Neopia was absolutely perfect, from the bright blue sky above to the deep green grass below. You would be hard pressed to find anything wrong today, and that was exactly the problem with it! Because everything was just ridiculously perfect…. except for Terry’s mood.

by kahlen369


A Witty Draik
A Draik faces a huge problem when Jhudora steals her necklace.

by keruza


How To Turn Your Motley Pets Into Families!
For those of us who own 20 pets, in all different colors and species, what are some ways of making our pets look like they're in cohesive families? I decided to ask the Neoboards for their own tips and tricks, and it was really fun to chat with my fellow players! So here are our biggest tips for turning our motley pets into actual families! I hope you enjoy reading them, because it was really fun to gather them!

by indulgences


Caring For Crying Kadoaties
So you've made the decision to give your Neopets his or her own Kadoatie, a friend to love and care for and lavish with all the food and treats they want. But what is the exact best way to care for your Kadoatie? Well, that's what I'm here for!

by alyseth


Nonlinear Companions: Post Meridiem: Part One
It had been a year since I had stepped the streets of the Meridell market. I was supposed to be meeting Westron at eleven, but I had been swept up in a wave of nostalgia. It was ten to, and I really ought to be heading to the park we first met in, but instead I was just standing there, staring up at the University. My old stomping ground. I wondered what it was like now, how much it would have changed?

by _starryeyedsurprise_


One Way Out: Part Six
Chosek stared at the hand of the compass, which was enthusiastically pointing off towards the window. After a long day of traveling, he was tired and couldn’t possibly follow the advice of such a perplexing device. It was clear by now that it’s only purpose was to lead them to certain doom.

by the_wingless_unknown

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