Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 194,421,304 Issue: 766 | 27th day of Sleeping, Y19
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Short Stories

Terry’s Terrible Mood and The Awesome Incredible Day

Yes, everything in Neopia was absolutely perfect, from the bright blue sky above to the deep green grass below. You would be hard pressed to find anything wrong today, and that was exactly the problem with it! Because everything was just ridiculously perfect…. except for Terry’s mood.

by kahlen369
A Witty Draik

A Draik faces a huge problem when Jhudora steals her necklace.

by keruza
Of Silence: the Two Arts

“Uhm... well, I play it, sometimes,” he eventually decides to admit, seeming overwhelmingly embarrassed to do so, his voice hushed to a whisper. Honestly, him saying that he plays it "sometimes" is a gross understatement, but he would never admit that to Kanrik. Yet, at least. “I’ve, uh... Playing the violin is something I’ve done since I was a child.”

by theschizophrenicpunk
The Dark Adventure

Mena nervously looked at the window - she would have to was her only option. She looked at her wings, torn from the earlier battle against the dark faerie. There was no way she'd be able to fly her way out but it was her only option. That was her escape.

Also by admonisher and thesecretiveonetwo

by sanamm

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"The Dark Adventure" by sanamm
She heard blasts in the far distance; cries and shrieks from just outside the room. There was no escape from the Dark Faerie and the slightest possibility of victory was erased when her beasts began to attack. Mena frantically looked around the bedroom, she needed to find a way out and time was not on her side. Suddenly, everything grew quiet. The screams of her friends still echoed in her ears but now all she could hear was the growling from outside the bedroom door. The beasts had arrived and it was only a matter of time before they got inside. *thump* The bookcase wedged against the door shook in terror. *thump* Books began to fall to the ground, books that she cherished and loved to read were now sprawled across the floor. Mena knew the bookcase wouldn't hold - she had to get out. *thump* Mena nervously looked at the window - she would have to was her only option. She looked at her wings, torn from the earlier battle against the Dark Faerie. There was no way she'd be able to fly her way out but it was her only option. That was her escape.

Other Stories


Inside the Neopian History: Jhudora
Jhudora is one of the most feared faeries in all Faerieland. Her purple and bright green clothes, her fierce and dark eyes, and the enormous castle above a bluff that she calls “home”, where she lives with her two scary bodyguards, Sarah and Daisy: all of those things contribute in creating an intimidating image. But, what do we, Neopians, really know about her?

by maga_m


Caring For Crying Kadoaties
So you've made the decision to give your Neopets his or her own Kadoatie, a friend to love and care for and lavish with all the food and treats they want. But what is the exact best way to care for your Kadoatie? Well, that's what I'm here for!

by alyseth


Southward Bound: Part Four
“Well, I could wish Furgles the Luckiest Babaa was here. There is a way to detach the artefact, and this device has hinted at how to reverse what it did, but there is one small problem in reversing it.”

by kaioti


Love & War: Part Two
"Uh I can explain?" She replied with an anxious smile on her face. I then eyed the book in her hands. Rage filled my bones even more so. "What are you doing with that? THAT'S ONE OF MY PRIZED POSSESSIONS!" I snatched it from her, neglecting the pink Kacheek and my assistant.

by gleerebel


Someone got off the wrong foot...

by timezor


Petpet Battles: Expectations vs. Reality

by vortext

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