Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 194,421,304 Issue: 766 | 27th day of Sleeping, Y19
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by mistyqee

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A Pear of Shoes
I love you, too!

Also by o_babypet4me_o

by truebrony


Of Silence: the Two Arts
“Uhm... well, I play it, sometimes,” he eventually decides to admit, seeming overwhelmingly embarrassed to do so, his voice hushed to a whisper. Honestly, him saying that he plays it "sometimes" is a gross understatement, but he would never admit that to Kanrik. Yet, at least. “I’ve, uh... Playing the violin is something I’ve done since I was a child.”

by theschizophrenicpunk


Bargain or Bust?
I'm finally a Baby Aisha!

Also by sosuleaf

by marbear_4u


Petpet Battles: Expectations vs. Reality

by vortext

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