Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 194,421,304 Issue: 766 | 27th day of Sleeping, Y19
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A Royal Problem

by dopestarinc

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Great stories!


One Way Out: Part Six
Chosek stared at the hand of the compass, which was enthusiastically pointing off towards the window. After a long day of traveling, he was tired and couldn’t possibly follow the advice of such a perplexing device. It was clear by now that it’s only purpose was to lead them to certain doom.

by the_wingless_unknown


Love & War: Part Two
"Uh I can explain?" She replied with an anxious smile on her face. I then eyed the book in her hands. Rage filled my bones even more so. "What are you doing with that? THAT'S ONE OF MY PRIZED POSSESSIONS!" I snatched it from her, neglecting the pink Kacheek and my assistant.

by gleerebel


Caring For Crying Kadoaties
So you've made the decision to give your Neopets his or her own Kadoatie, a friend to love and care for and lavish with all the food and treats they want. But what is the exact best way to care for your Kadoatie? Well, that's what I'm here for!

by alyseth


Deceptively Easy Game Avatars to Get This Year
It's one of the most dreaded avatar categories.. game avatars! Ahhh. But, hear me out, some are actually easy! And perhaps you never even realized how easy. Here I list the top ten deceptively easy game avatar, from easiest to achieve to hardest.

by earthiness

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