Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 194,583,593 Issue: 777 | 14th day of Eating, Y19
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An Unexpected Grey Day

by bobtehcat1

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Treats from Lutari Island: 5 recipes for Lutari Day
As the ongoing storms around Lutari Island have made the island inaccessible for many years now, your Lutari might be feeling a little homesick. With Lutari Day right around the corner, what better time to remind them of the comforts of home than with some of these tried and tested recipes, passed down from residents of Lutari Island itself!

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Can you really get lucky at the Deserted Fairground?
I will spend my day in the Deserted Fairground and play some of the most popular games, from there I’ll try to determine whether it’s about luck and chance or if it is rigged.

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The Most Elite Petpets in Neopia
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The Apathy of Life
When I first glanced over and caught a glimpse of her fur I thought it was silver, and it instantly took me back to that night in the park.

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