The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 194,583,593 Issue: 777 | 14th day of Eating, Y19
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Blossoms~ Secrets pt.6

Lock the pantry!

by twillieblossom
Paint Brush Problem

Is he still relevant?

by xsugarush
Luck of the Irish

Today looks like a lucky day!

by earthiness
Head in the Clouds: Customize!

When you forget your wings are just for decoration.

by yoshisislandbandit
Glory Days: New Paint Job

Who knew a Rainbow Scroll could be so useful?

by darkpassage
Hero's Woes

Roberta and Tormund fondly remember the adventures they had.

by __midge__
Shellshock'd! REBORN - Ending

This world is under new...Management, so to speak.

by krabbox
An Unexpected Grey Day

Some grey side effects

by bobtehcat1
Never Insult a Gnorbu

Having regrets? Or perhaps...cold feet?

Also by paraxeno_daimonio

by bha288

Daily Hair

Some people take change great! And then there's Gelato.

by blixembot
Random Oddness

We're learning more about Chadley every day.

by mistyqee
Voracious appetite

Just a little bite?

by zusania
What am I? #1

Can you guess the species and color of this neopet using only a short riddle and a few pictures?

by pets_rock_8
One sunny day in Kiko Lake...

A Kiko goes on an unexpected adventure!

by ssmile_its_good_4_u
Meanwhile, at Uni's Clothing Shop...

Someone has too much free time on their hands.

by mucka33
Sloth Having Problems at Grey Day?

Always the 14th...

Also by ruben160

by teca_alvarenga

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Grey Faerie Celebrates Grey Day

Thousands and thousands of years ago, Baelia was actually Baelia, the Happy Faerie! She blessed Neopians, pets, and petpets with many boons and items (sorry petpetpets, you guys weren’t discovered until much later). She held an aura similar to the Faerie Queen Fyora, and smiled every day. She was loved and worshipped by all Neopians, pets, and petpets (again, sorry petpetpets). All was well, until the day she was captured.

Other Stories


A Little Lutari's Birthday
Downstairs, Mother is prepping breakfast. His favorite: Tigerbuggle Fruit Pancakes. She traveled all the way to Mystery Island last week to get the ingredients. Mother sighs, she can’t believe little Zoltan is three, these years have flown by so fast.

by spukl1


The Apathy of Life
When I first glanced over and caught a glimpse of her fur I thought it was silver, and it instantly took me back to that night in the park.

by warriorcats


Report: King Hagan Struggles With Neopian Wisdom
While the local wheel has proven to be a very successful endeavor for the kingdom, generating thousands of Neopoints to invest in the economy daily, an interview with King Hagan has revealed disappointment over the outcome of the “Wise Old King” outreach program.

by vivacenote


Beginner's Guide to Font-Making, #1!
This series of articles will basically consist of the basic rules of font-making, etiquette, and guidelines to help you have the font you want. So, without further ado, let’s get started with the first topic, the basics!

by ayakae


Janet and Jane: The Case of the Vanished: Part Two
“Their deaths might have been faked,” I answered. I looked at the house numbers while we were walking on the sidewalk. “Simple as that.”

by chasing_stars44


Defenders Series 3: Siren of the Snows: Part Three
Steel contacted the Defenders headquarters to reassure them that he was alright- and had found Tech Tonic- before both of them set off into the snow once more.

by shinkoryu14

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