Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 194,583,593 Issue: 777 | 14th day of Eating, Y19
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How the Grey Faerie Celebrates Grey Day

Before the Grey Faerie, named Baelia, was locked up, she was a completely different faerie! Thousands and thousands of years ago, Baelia was actually Baelia, the Happy Faerie!

Also by dissiechrissie

by theyellowrose

Chompin' With The Chomby

All things Chomby!

by fippinator
Can you really get lucky at the Deserted Fairground?

I will spend my day in the Deserted Fairground and play some of the most popular games, from there I’ll try to determine whether it’s about luck and chance or if it is rigged.

Also by _lindsayyy

by hectic_haley

Rolling For Riches: Dice Of Destiny

If you work hard and practice hard at something you really want, the odds will end up in your favor at some point.

by doglover3662
Treats from Lutari Island: 5 recipes for Lutari Day

As the ongoing storms around Lutari Island have made the island inaccessible for many years now, your Lutari might be feeling a little homesick. With Lutari Day right around the corner, what better time to remind them of the comforts of home than with some of these tried and tested recipes, passed down from residents of Lutari Island itself!

by kingfisherblue33
Neopian Fashion Trends and You

In order to be a well-dressed Neopian, it is vital that you not only follow fashion trends, but preempt them -- or better yet, start them.

by embethrose
Report: King Hagan Struggles With Neopian Wisdom

While the local wheel has proven to be a very successful endeavor for the kingdom, generating thousands of Neopoints to invest in the economy daily, an interview with King Hagan has revealed disappointment over the outcome of the “Wise Old King” outreach program.

by vivacenote
Beginner's Guide to Font-Making, #1!

This series of articles will basically consist of the basic rules of font-making, etiquette, and guidelines to help you have the font you want. So, without further ado, let’s get started with the first topic, the basics!

by ayakae
Breadmaster's Secret to a Successful Easter Party

Thank you, Breadmaster, for sharing this incredible find! Readers, please look below to find the key to throwing a successful Easter party!

by samsimmer

There is nothing more appropriate for Grey Day than a Grey Day Feast. This guide is to help prepare even the most novice of Neopian Hosts turn a glooming grey gluttony into a deliciously droll dinner.

by cchiphorsey944
The Most Elite Petpets in Neopia

Today, I'd like to talk about some of the most elite Petpets in Neopia. What makes a Petpet "elite", you may ask?

by scubadove
Thoughts on Grey Day

In this article, we'll talk about the meaning of Grey Day and analyze some aspects of it that aren't commonly explained. I believe that sadness, even though it brings negative emotions when it comes down on us, must be discussed.

Also by mazaii_3

by dragondancer007

7 Hidden NC Gems for Your Next Grey Customization!

Today, we’re here to help bring your attention to some of the most appropriately dreary grey wearables that you might otherwise not have known about!

Also by gameboyknight

by ilovemykitties12

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"Boom Goes the Dynamite" by erroro
Now Jane has probably gone a little too far from the line of sanity, but she was a good Mum. With her coffee bean eyes and messy reddish brown hair, she always looked like she had just hopped out of bed, usually with a pencil stuck in it somewhere... it’s kinda hard to tell, actually. At least I know I can always count on her. But I also know I can count on her to drop a bomb on me at the last minute. And on a regular day, I like bombs. Only the ones that actually explode though. “Lysandrias!” Jane exclaimed as I entered. “I just had the most amazing idea!” “And what does it have to do with me?” I asked, arching an eyebrow. Mum was practically shining. “We’re going to enter the Pet Spotlight!” “No!” I immediately cried out. Me? In a contest? No way. No way in all of Neopia was I going to enter THAT contest. It was even worse than the beauty contest; especially so because you couldn’t just harass people into voting for you! My mother could have just drawn a potato with ears, and the rest could be history! The problem was that the spotlight had special judges. I also had no idea where they lived, so my tactic would be useless. “The Pet Spotlight?” my younger sister Ramsily echoed, poking her head in from the living room. “That sounds like so much fun!” “For you,” I growled. “I don’t do contests.”

Other Stories


The Adventure of a Lifetime
A frown broke across his face. “I’m… in the swamps near the Haunted Woods? How even..”

by wellthatsfantastic


Cheese Fairy
What would he do with children? Oh no, Gareth's only concern is the cheese. Glorious round cheese.

by jeancgirl


Return to Lynwood: Part Eight
Isengrim and his pack used to be largely nocturnal, but over the past few years had eased into being more active during the day, to better facilitate relations between them and their non-Werelupe allies.

by cosmicfire918


Janet and Jane: The Case of the Vanished: Part Two
“Their deaths might have been faked,” I answered. I looked at the house numbers while we were walking on the sidewalk. “Simple as that.”

by chasing_stars44


Hero's Woes
Roberta and Tormund fondly remember the adventures they had.

by __midge__


One sunny day in Kiko Lake...
A Kiko goes on an unexpected adventure!

by ssmile_its_good_4_u

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