There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 195,005,051 Issue: 812 | 12th day of Sleeping, Y20
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Little Neo: Feelin' Ixi

by bl1nd3d

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The Meridellians: Potato Counter
That's all it takes?

by islandforever


Identity Crisis
Smaug struggled to keep up with Lichen. How did she know these corridors so well? Ixi had told him in the past that Lichen had spent practically her whole childhood travelling Neopia, never stopping in one place long enough to settle in properly...

by debbie1188


Makieri's Undead Birthday
He carried a hockey stick in one hand and a spork in the other.

by katniss_66


Six Faerietastic Outfit Ideas
Yes faeries! Those lovely creatures that fly around Neopia generously giving out gifts, abilities or even raising the stats to your fabulous pets. It’s a proven fact that everyone loves faeries. Seriously everyone does.

Also by teukieteukie and cavrylin

by madiwoo

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