For an easier life Circulation: 195,291,400 Issue: 838 | 24th day of Hiding, Y20
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword goody2shoes153

Week - 255

Hingoyle the Pea Chia
by goody2shoes153
Description: Hingoyle isn't the brightest pea in the pod.

Week - 260

Hingoyle the Pea Chia
by goody2shoes153
Description: The different peas of Neopia.

Week - 325

Hingoyle the Pea Chia
by goody2shoes153
Description: Some Neopians are thankful that peas can't wear clothes yet.

Week - 838

Hingoyle the Pea Chia
by goody2shoes153
Description: Why I'm no longer welcome at the Rainbow Pool...

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The Curse of the Impatient Seamstress:Part Two
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Hingoyle the Pea Chia
Why I'm no longer welcome at the Rainbow Pool...

by goody2shoes153


Keeping Cool in Neopia’s Hottest Late-Summer Spots
For fun in the sun without getting too toasty.

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The 11 Reasons Why Peophins are AWESOME
Why Peophins are Neopia's best pet!

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HOW TO: Host Your Own Chocolate Party
You’ve spent months anxiously waiting at your mailbox for that gorgeous, 90% cacao invitation with white chocolate rosebud details and milk chocolate lettering. You’ve been rereading “Behind the Frosting: Tale of the Chocolate Xweetok” and “Chocolate Ogrin Cookbook” over and over to ensure that you will be an expert should you be lucky enough to receive an invite to the Event of the Year. You’ve even been saving up in the hopes that you’ll be able to afford the Chocolate Crown of the Faeries, which you know would impress not only your friends, but other Neopians with fine taste.

by hollywoodshowbox

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