Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 195,291,400 Issue: 838 | 24th day of Hiding, Y20
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Clara looked up, staring into a massive void that split the sky in two. Dirt, loose pebbles and rocks lifted into the air as if caught in a vortex. The fur on her neck rose, as she could feel the air drifting upwards, threatening to lift her, everyone and everything into the sky, to vanish into the abyss. The corrupted Zafara smirked, now gravity bent to his will. He was done holding back. He was ready to end this fight once and for all.

Top 5 Brightvale Attractions

The 11th day of Hiding quickly approaches, better known as the day the glorious kingdom of Brightvale was first discovered. Brightvale, often referred to as the sister kingdom to the very well-known Meridell lies just fifty miles west of Meridell across a field of rolling green plains. Perched up on a high hill just past an evergreen forest the peaceful kingdom lies in wait for visitors to revel in its delicious food, engaging activities and as it as most well-known for - its incredible wealth of knowledge. While they both have a similar aesthetic, Brightvale is very different from Meridell and has a lot of unique sights to see and businesses to explore. Let's take a walk through the cobblestone paths of this luscious and vibrant kingdom as we discuss the top five attractions Brightvale has to offer!

NeoGlam - Neopian Fashion News

NeoGlam Hi. My name is Mikeas and this week I’m here to present you news about the fashion world in Neopia. This article has three parts. In the first one, I'll show my opinion about customising with Dyeworks and how to make a better use of them. The second part is the NeoGlam Fashion Review. Me and two special guests will be tooting and booting the winning looks from Customisation Spotlight. And the third part is: Trend Alert!!!!! Warning: This article is intended for those who customise their pets with NeoCash items. Since 2014, Loic has his Dyeworks shop open, allowing Neopians to change the color of popular NC Mall items. Several items can be painted at Loic's store.Some items can be painted indefinitely, for example, my favorite: Peaceful Tree Garland (Pink, Purple and Yellow).

The many benefits of mutant petpets

Make a strong statement with a mutant petpet – perhaps your pet may *think* they look scary at first, but they are fiercely loyal and will be a trusty companion for many adventures. Mutant petpets frequently have sensory advantages over their non-mutant counterparts – multiple eyes, or bigger ears mean that nothing can sneak up on them from any direction, but there are hidden advantages too. Often mutant petpets gain extra abilities from their transformation – these are rumoured to include radar location, a cry that will momentarily freeze all those who hear it, or see into the future. Of course, depending on whether you want a petpet for looks alone, or for other purposes will impact your decision. Here we will discuss the best mutant petpets for all kinds of situations to help you find the perfect companion.

Other Stories
"Florg: the Lonely Mutant Chia" by shresthi
Everyone has seen that big and scary mutant chia, known as Florg, at some point. He is famous for his insatiable appetite for delicious Petpets, and for occasionally bouncing Grundos off the Virtupets space station's walls. But, was he always like this? Was he always as scary and mean as he is today? The answer is no. It is all Dr. Sloth's fault. Florg was a nice chia like any other, afraid of Lupes and with a tendency to acquire fruity-ness through the consumption of icy treats. That was, until Dr. Sloth experimented on him, turning him into the Petpet eating mutant we have all come to know. But at heart, very deep inside that mutant chia exterior, is there any remnant of who he used te be? How lonely must it be, to become like that, and confine to your deepest subconscious all the cuddly nature you once had?

"The Flood that Brought Trouble" by hannahcreep
Spike the blue Shoyru didn’t like going to Neoschool. In fact, he had tried almost every excuse in the book to get out of Neoschool but his owner, Hannah, was too smart for that. “Well, I guess if you have Ugga-Ugga, you can’t tell me whether or not you still want to be painted stealthy one day,” Hannah would say as Spike laid in bed. “Of course I want to be stealthy!” Spike would proclaim before realizing he ruined his lie. Spike wasn’t the smartest Neopet in the land but he also wasn’t the dumbest. One day, he asked his brother, Konjik the baby Kiko the following question: “How do you get out of Neoschool?” “I’m a baby that studies magic. I think that warrants me being able to get out of simple learning. Plus, I’m, like, really smart dude.”

"The Curse of the Impatient Seamstress:Part Two" by rocksysmom
Jhudora hummed as she poured herself a cup of coffee. It was just after sunrise and she had a long day of handing out quests before her. Of course, as a Dark Faerie she preferred sleeping in. However, she wanted to give herself time to enjoy coffee in her pajamas before her day started. Right as she was about to take her first sip, one of her bartamuses flew onto her counter, chirping. Jhudora sighed as she sat down her mug and patted the bartamus on the head. She made her way to her front door and opened it wide. She gasped when she saw the sobbing Cybunny on her doorstep. There was an awkward silence as Justine was too distraught to realize that Jhudora had opened the door. Jhudora broke the silence by clearing her throat. Justine looked up at Jhudora and began to sob harder. Jhudora sighed and motioned for Justine to come inside.

Kiko Lake Carpentry

This week's issue is brought to you by: Grab your Favourite Furniture.
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Great stories!


Top 5 Brightvale Attractions
The 11th day of Hiding quickly approaches, better know as the day the glorious kingdom of Brightvale was first discovered.

by silver_mist_91


Best friends
Like two peas in a pod! Well, almost.

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NT Withdrawals, Pt 2
That's not how you fix a problem. That's the opposite of how you fix a problem.

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What A Coincidence
Suspicious...very suspicious.

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The Stamp
Stamp collecting is serious business.

by trishabeakens

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