Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 195,291,400 Issue: 838 | 24th day of Hiding, Y20
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New Series

The Flood that Brought Trouble

Spike the blue Shoyru didn’t like going to neoschool. In fact, he had tried almost every excuse in the book to get out of neoschool but his owner, Hannah, was too smart for that.

by hannahcreep
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"The Curse of the Impatient Seamstress:Part Two" by rocksysmom
Jhudora hummed as she poured herself a cup of coffee. It was just after sunrise and she had a long day of handing out quests before her. Of course, as a Dark Faerie she preferred sleeping in. However, she wanted to give herself time to enjoy coffee in her pajamas before her day started. Right as she was about to take her first sip, one of her bartamuses flew onto her counter, chirping. Jhudora sighed as she sat down her mug and patted the bartamus on the head. She made her way to her front door and opened it wide. She gasped when she saw the sobbing Cybunny on her doorstep. There was an awkward silence as Justine was too distraught to realize that Jhudora had opened the door. Jhudora broke the silence by clearing her throat. Justine looked up at Jhudora and began to sob harder. Jhudora sighed and motioned for Justine to come inside.

Other Stories


Florg: the Lonely Mutant Chia
Everyone has seen that big and scary mutant chia, known as Florg, at some point. He is famous for his insatiable appetite for delicious petpets, and for occasionally bouncing grundos off the Virtupets space station's walls. But, was he always like this? Was he always as scary and mean as he is today? The answer is no.

by shresthi


The 11 Reasons Why Peophins are AWESOME
Why Peophins are Neopia's best pet!

by stars4ever33


NeoGlam - Neopian Fashion News
Enough of Silver Antique Chiq + Silver Window with Twikling Lights + Transparent Aisha!!!

Also by millyhz and itsbah.

by naama_mikeas


Friendly Advice
Play on words, word on play..

by alex8008


200m Peanut Dash meets Spacerocked!

by rafa_potter

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