A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 195,327,629 Issue: 841 | 28th day of Gathering, Y20
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword hollywoodshowbox

Week - 771

Kasheera's Home
by hollywoodshowbox
Description: Kasheera sighed as she looked out onto the Tyrannian Plateau. She saw Chombies, Pteris, and Grarrls, all playing together and laughing in front of the concert hall. "I’ll never be able to do that," Kasheera thought to herself.

Week - 774

Kappie's First Chomby Carnival
by hollywoodshowbox
Description: After a long pause to sip her coffee, Elaine couldn’t take it anymore. “We’re going to your first ever Chomby Carnival!” she clapped her hands, unable to contain her excitement. Kappie’s eyes grew nearly twice their size.

Featuring rock_star_09 and their Chomby, Kappernicious

Week - 776

Letter to Neopia
by hollywoodshowbox
Description: In this week leading up to the annual and vastly overrated Grey Day, I feel that it is my obligation to inform you positively primeval peasants that you’ve been duped.

Week - 838

HOW TO: Host Your Own Chocolate Party
by hollywoodshowbox
Description: You’ve spent months anxiously waiting at your mailbox for that gorgeous, 90% cacao invitation with white chocolate rosebud details and milk chocolate lettering. You’ve been rereading “Behind the Frosting: Tale of the Chocolate Xweetok” and “Chocolate Ogrin Cookbook” over and over to ensure that you will be an expert should you be lucky enough to receive an invite to the Event of the Year. You’ve even been saving up in the hopes that you’ll be able to afford the Chocolate Crown of the Faeries, which you know would impress not only your friends, but other Neopians with fine taste.

Week - 841

Neopets Quiz: Month of Gathering Edition
by hollywoodshowbox
Description: Also by eyewan2fly

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