Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 195,399,298 Issue: 850 | 7th day of Celebrating, Y20
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword phoned

Week - 825

The Devilpuss: Is it the Petpet for you?
by phoned
Description: Need a new petpet? Missing a special little critter in your life? Searching for something to test your mettle? Why not get yourself a Devilpuss!!

Week - 839

Pets Are Friends Not Food
by phoned
Description: While browsing through Neopian Fresh Foods one evening looking for something delicious and nutritious to feed your pets for dinner you come across an item called Draik Steak. The description beneath the item reads ‘A large lump of prime rib shaped to look like a Draiks head (not actually made from Draik)’. You chuckle to yourself as you place a few in your basket and think ‘I wonder why they bother to say it’s not actually made from Draik, why would anyone want to buy a REAL Draik Steak?’

Week - 850

The Mega-Super-Hyper-Fantastic All-Neopian Quiz!!
by phoned
Description: Think you’re a real whizz when it comes to Neopian general knowledge? Been a player for a long time and think you know it all? To celebrate the 850th issue of the Neopian times take this MEGA 85-question Neopian quiz and test your true Neopian knowledge!!

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Great stories!


Escape Artist - Attempt 17
When escape plans go awry.

-Also by marcthegr8est1

by khanhm666


NT #850 Best Pet Sites in Neopia - Chosen by YOU!
I polled and polled for this info. PET SITES! Everyone loves them, everyone has used at least one, and everyone (likely) has a favorite. It’s not uncommon to visit one of the Neoboards and find a Neopian or two asking for help and being directed to an amazing user-created site.

by return_of_weatherbee


The Weewootery

Idea by dark_angel72792, hand drawn by gleenut.

by gleenut


Weewon't or Weewill?
Why do I do this to myself...

by liezelotte8


Sleepy Head
The land of Neopia has many worlds with exotic foods, different stories and adventures to tell, but there is only one world where you can make your own story for a short period of time.

by abinorm05

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