There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 195,399,298 Issue: 850 | 7th day of Celebrating, Y20
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We found the following 11 result(s) for the keyword semmy_genius

Week - 583

Faerie Quest
by semmy_genius
Description: Faeries can ask anything!

Week - 584

Visit to Snowager
by semmy_genius
Description: Think before you act!

Week - 585

KS: Deciding on Faction
by semmy_genius
Description: The real reason why the Knight Squad is with the Thieves Guild.

Week - 589

KS: The Signs
by semmy_genius
Description: During time of crisis, everyone suffers. Dung jelly really isn't so bad after a while...

Week - 590

KS: Basic
by semmy_genius
Description: It's what on the inside that counts.

Week - 591

KS: Faerie Appreciation
by semmy_genius
Description: Having butterfinger is a good thing, really!

Week - 606

KS: Creative Licensing
by semmy_genius
Description: Debut of the Super Krawk!

Week - 607

KS: KI ftw
by semmy_genius
Description: YYB is easy! All you need to do is tell the other team to lose. - Knight

Week - 701

What Happened After the 700th Issue Was Published.
by _clement_
Description: Don't tease someone who's already in a bad mood!

Also by: semmy_genius

Week - 814

A Favor for Baelia
by xoxcharm
Description: Ever since Tavi had helped her escape from Jennumara's magical cage, the Grey Faerie, Baelia, had gone to Faerie City to live under the protection of Queen Fyora...

Also by semmy_genius & kt_roo2

Week - 835

Cheese and Krawkers
by bittersweet52
Description: I have no magic of my own to reward you with, so I'm asking for help from another faerie.

Written in collaboration with iggy___koopa and semmy_genius.

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Of Weewoos and Potatoes
Inspiration had deserted me completely. I was supposed to be writing, but for the last five minutes I had just been absent-mindedly tapping on my desk with a pencil, staring at a blank page. This story for the 850th issue of the Neopian Times wasn't going to write itself, but at this rate, it seemed that I wasn't going to write it, either.

by cruthmac


The Becoming of the Royal Thief:Part Seven
With freedom comes responsibility.

by k3l26


850 Years Frozen In Ice
Deep in Terror Mountains there lay hundreds of beasts, some friendly and some foes. It is a place long-forgotten by explorers, and home to potentially undiscovered Neopet and Petpet species.

Also by suchrob

by pixeldream


Getting into a special edition of NT? How?
Being part of a special edition is a dream of lots of Neopians. Some try every time, but not everyone is selected. Whether it is the Halloween special, the Birthday special or the 50 editions special, what is the secret to having your text published?

by royal_real


Special 850- The Debate of Neopia's Most Majestic
Only the classiest comic for the most special NT

Also by moon_90_0, mysticdarkangel925

by semmy_genius

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