teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 196,090,786 Issue: 893 | 6th day of Running, Y22
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword 1337_masta

Week - 831

The Neoboards and YOU! - A quick guide to the boards
by 1337_masta
Description: Over the years, the Neoboards have been a forum for the citizens of Neopia to gather and discuss whatever is happening on the site. Needless to say, the boards never completely covered all the possible topics, and they have grown to cover other topics than they were originally intended.

Week - 834

Neopian Wishes: (U)UC...?
by glittery4u
Description: You mean like... un-unconverted? How would that work?

Written by 1337_masta

Week - 892

Collaborative Confusion #1: This is "fine"
by 1337_masta
Description: Neopia's hottest real estate market

In collaboration with Chao_of_the_chaos

Week - 893

Collaborative Confusion #2: Hotline Sloth
by 1337_masta
Description: When that slothline bling

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Chaos Causers: Shopping Troubles
Those poor employees who have to dispose of each item every 20-40 minutes or so.

by huntercn

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