teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 196,330,911 Issue: 906 | 10th day of Swimming, Y22
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword bobajfett

Week - 902

Imiya's Stop in Faerie City
by bobajfett
Description: Imiya goes to Faerie Foods on her way to Poogle Racing and meets its lovely shopkeeper.

Week - 903

Travel Guide to Altador: Key Sites and Things To Do
by bobajfett
Description: A nifty guide of tips and tidbits for all who are coming to Altador this month for the Altador Cup

Week - 906

Which Popular Tourist Destination Should I Visit?
by bobajfett
Description: Pack your bags and take this quiz to determine which popular tourist destination is best suited for you!

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One conundrum of a job
Are you sure this job is meant for me?

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The Forgotten Shore
More like "the Popular Shore".

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Just a little more to the right...

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Quarry Life
The shriek of the whistle upon the beginning of the shift dispelled the last traces of sleepiness from Monazite. Her ear holes burning and her eyes wide open, all that was left to remind her of the meagre amount of sleep she was afforded was the weariness in her body...

by blueys45


Collaborative Confusion #3: Hubrid Has Happened!
I'm not superstitious, but I am a little stitious... collaboration with Chao_of_the_chaos

by 1337_masta

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