Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 196,330,911 Issue: 906 | 10th day of Swimming, Y22
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"A Song for You" by fallingdaybreak
It had been nearly ten years since Nagase had stepped foot back in Shenkuu. Ten years ago, the Great War of Shenkuu rocked the land to its very core, forcing a young Nagase to flee from the land he called home. But tonight, no such war tore across the land. Instead, it was a time of festivities and joy. It was July 7th, the night of the Star Festival. As the draik walked down the paved stone path, he could feel eyes on him as he walked. Nagase’s appearance was unlike any draik in Neopia. Though he retained the whiskers near his nose and the fin on his tail like most maraquan draiks, he had several other features...

Other Stories


Usuki Singing Stars #48: The Great NT Mystery!
Sparkles looked at the whitestone rectangular building in front of her. “Here we are, gang!” The pink Bruce exclaimed excitedly. “The worldwide headquarters for the Neopian Times! Who knows what wonders we’ll see once we step inside?”

by downrightdude


The Uncanny Horticulturist
You make your way along the outskirts of Neovia grumbling. Your pockets feel significantly lighter after a particularly annoying turn of events at the Apple Bobbing station. Why do you insist on still visiting that shady character Bart?

by sugar_head


Strawberry and Sunshine: Neopian Recipes for Summer!
It’s summer – you know what that means! I’ve got my sunhat on backwards, and I’m ready for a garden party! Or a picnic, or a camping trip, or a holiday in the sunshine...

by shortcrust


Which Popular Tourist Destination Should I Visit?
Pack your bags and take this quiz to determine which popular tourist destination is best suited for you!

by bobajfett


Blossoms~ A Day Out Part 3
What has you asking about Zathandria anyway?

by twillieblossom


Just another Kadoatery feeding...
Oh, that makes sense now... Also by sessduh

by curlsandhairbows

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