The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 196,330,911 Issue: 906 | 10th day of Swimming, Y22
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Flying Through Volcano Run II

Any game avatar is a proof of mastery of the Games Room. Many hours of practice, sweaty palms, and maximum focus. Some would even say playing Neopets games gets them into their flow state, where they are completely immersed in an activity. Volcano Run II is no exception...

by pregnatress
Which Popular Tourist Destination Should I Visit?

Pack your bags and take this quiz to determine which popular tourist destination is best suited for you!

by bobajfett
Strawberry and Sunshine: Neopian Recipes for Summer!

It’s summer – you know what that means! I’ve got my sunhat on backwards, and I’m ready for a garden party! Or a picnic, or a camping trip, or a holiday in the sunshine...

by shortcrust
Search the Neopian Times


"Usuki Singing Stars #48: The Great NT Mystery!" by downrightdude
Sparkles looked at the whitestone rectangular building in front of her. “Here we are, gang!” The pink Bruce exclaimed excitedly. “The worldwide headquarters for the Neopian Times! Who knows what wonders we’ll see once we step inside?” Scary sighed. “Are we going to barge in, or did we walk all the way here just to look at the ugly exterior?” asked the purple Bruce. “Hmm, do you think we should have sent a notice about our visit?” Sparkles wondered. She watched two Weewoos fly in through the front doors, both carrying a burlap mailbag...

Other Stories


A Song for You
An annual Shenkuu festival brings both delight and sadness to a lone draik.

by fallingdaybreak


The Uncanny Horticulturist
You make your way along the outskirts of Neovia grumbling. Your pockets feel significantly lighter after a particularly annoying turn of events at the Apple Bobbing station. Why do you insist on still visiting that shady character Bart?

by sugar_head


Escape with a Good Book
With a swift gulp of the temporary morphing potion, Chet began to shake and quake. The charming and calming woods in the Faerieland outskirts began to spin and dance...

by homsar_eggplant


Quarry Life
The shriek of the whistle upon the beginning of the shift dispelled the last traces of sleepiness from Monazite. Her ear holes burning and her eyes wide open, all that was left to remind her of the meagre amount of sleep she was afforded was the weariness in her body...

by blueys45


Shenkuu Warriors- Important Questions
He didn't even bring his sling with him...

by mist222


Maybe that's why he's so grumpy...
Hey you'd be grumpy too!

by molzypoo

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