Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 196,330,911 Issue: 906 | 10th day of Swimming, Y22
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The Music Box

by eracina


It didn't take long until Elon found a piece of paper with The Wizard's neat handwriting sitting on his bedside table. Normally Elon would have fussed over the fact that The Wizard had apparently broken into his room, but right now he was way more interested in what the note actually said.

      "I may have found something. Bring the music box to the room where captains usually gather. I'll tell you more there."

     As gently as Elon knew how he picked up his treasure and kept it close to his chest. His teammates were nowhere to be seen yet again and Elon knew the area well enough by now to sneak through the corridors without being detected.

     When he arrived the room was a lot quieter than what he was used too. He looked around to see that the Wizard was already there and so was somebody else.

     It was with wary steps that Elon walk up to The Wizard and Moltara's team captain, Aldric Beign. Elon had never spoken to the magma Kougra before, but it was looking like that was about to change.

     Aldric Beign for his part looked just as surprised as Elon felt. He gave The Wizard a look. "When you said, 'help out a timid guy' this isn't exactly what I had in mind." Elon gave The Wizard a look also. Just what did he tell the Kougra?

     Sensing the rising confusion The Wizard spoke up.

     "I stand by everything I've told you Beign and Elon, you just hear us out, ok?"

     Elon didn't say anything which The Wizard seemed to take as acceptance. With his hand, he urged Elon forward. "Go on," he said, "Show him the music box."

     Aldric Beign's expression morphed into a more curious one. Knowing he had little choice if he wanted to see this transaction through Elon slowly moved his arms and held the music box out for the Kougra to see.

     Elon wasn't quite sure what had changed in the room, but Aldric Beign didn't seem as hostile now. He bent down and held his hand out.

     "May I?"

     Elon's eyes wandered over to The Wizard who gave him a thumbs up. Still without a word Elon placed his treasure in Aldric Beign's outstretched hand.

     Slowly the Kougra stood up and put Elon's music box on the big, round table in the centre of the room. He opened it and started poking and prodding. It was making Elon anxious. His anxiety was apparently visible enough for Aldric Beign to notice because he spoke up.

     "Don't worry; I have no intention of ruining this beaut."

     The Wizard squeezed Elon shoulder with his hand, but he still felt uneasy.

     Eventually, after what felt like an eternity, Aldric Beign closed the music box again and sighed. "This is a bit too complicated for me I'm afraid." Elon felt his heart sink. His disappointment must have been very apparent because Aldric Beign was quick to continue.

     "I do know someone who could do it, though!"

     Instead of sinking Elon's heart started racing instead. He was so grateful to The Wizard for doing the most of the talking.

     "Is this the plan B you mentioned?" he asked, making Elon rather curious.

     Aldric Begin nodded.

     "Vere will no doubt be able to fix this given some time and the right materials." He said with obvious pride in his voice.

     "How about we go to Moltara's base right now? I get the feeling this is a case of 'sooner rather than later'"

     The day had seemed to decide that Elon was to be mute today because he couldn't make his voice work for the life of him. Thank Fyora that The Wizard was there to speak for him. He should probably thank him later. Before they could go, though, The Wizard spoke up.

     "I'm sorry, but I kinda have to be elsewhere."

     Wait what.

     He could probably feel Elon's panic because he was quick to give him a pat on the head.

     "You'll go Elon. I'll drop by later and see how it goes, eh?"

     Before Elon could react one way or the other The Wizard was already headed for the door. Ever the fast one.

     "Good Luck, you two!"

     With that he was gone.

     Elon swallowed hard as he felt the tension in the room rise. He had no idea what to say or do. Heck, even if he wanted to say anything he couldn't!

     "Shall we get going, Mr. Hughlis?"

     Elon looked up at Aldric Beign. All he could really do was nod.

     Aldric Beign didn't seem bothered by Elon's silence as he picked up the music box and handed it back to him. Just holding it again made him feel less on edge.

     The Kougra had a fast stride, making him somewhat hard to keep up with, but he wasn't the chatty kind, something Elon was incredibly grateful for. He had enough with not only keeping up while not harming his treasure but also ignoring the odd looks he got from other yooyuball players who saw them in the passing.

     Finally they arrived at Moltara's base. Casually Aldric Beign opened the door and went inside. Elon carefully poked his head in.

     The room wasn't really any different from the Maraquan base, except it was warmer. All the bases were probably pretty white and sterile, Elon realised.

     There were a purple Yurble and a magma Acara seated around a table in the centre. Elon recognised them as Vera Polnicek and Tulah Kisner respectively. They were playing with a deck of cards from the looks of it.

     "'Sup Captain?" Tulah Kisner asked and when she looked up and saw Elon in the doorframe frowned in confusion. "Why's tentacle jerk here?"

     Aldric Beign quickly hushed her. Not that Elon minded. He was the local bad guy so naturally, he got some words thrown his way. He was used to it by now.

     "Come in, Mr. Hughlis," Aldric Beign said before turning his attention to Vere Polnicek, "The Wizard is cashing in his favour and I need your help with it, Vere."

     The Yurble looked incredibly interested now. "What's up?" she asked as Elon slowly entered the room, taking great care not to step to close to Tulah Kisner. There was more than enough awkwardness already. "And what's it gotta do with The Black Hole?"

     Elon supposed it was his cue. He was beginning to quiver slightly. The number of people that had seen his treasure by now was getting uncomfortably high.

     Elon placed the music box on the table while doing his best to avoid the playing cards.

     Aldric Beign gestured the music box with his hands.

     "The Wizard wants this fixed, can you do that?"

     Elon would argue that HE was the one that really wanted it fixed, but he was incredibly grateful to The Wizard. There was no way people would help Elon out by their own volition. He was lucky to have The Wizard as an ally.

     Vere Polnicek opened the music box and looked inside. Tulah Kisner had moved behind her and looked at the music box with interest.

     "I'm going to go get my tools," Vere Polnicek said and with that, she got up and left.

     The air felt awkward as the only thing one could hear was Vere Polnicek talking to herself as she looked for her things. Elon stood as still as he possibly could. He was only here because Team Moltara was apparently indebted to Team Meridell. He was going to try his best to make himself as invisible as he possibly could.

     Vere Polnicek came back with a ridiculously large toolbox and flopped it down so hard onto the table the entire thing shook. Elon's heart almost got stuck in his throat.

     Using a screwdriver the Yurble removed the velvet bottom as well as the water Kyrii and maraquan Hissi that was attached to it. She poked around in the bare mechanics.

     "I've never seen Maraquan craftsmanship before." she mumbled. Elon got the impression it wasn't something he was supposed to comment on. "This is neat!"

     Tulah Kisner frowned as she looked over Vere Polnicek shoulder.

     "Do you have the bits and pieces needed for it, though?" she asked. Vere Polnicek removed what looked like a broken spring as she spoke. "Nope, gotta order special parts for that. Maractite is a completely different metal. Can't just slot any old thing in there."

     Tulah Kisner's eyes shot up and Elon couldn't help, but feel incredibly small under her angry gaze.

     "You're the one paying for that, capiche?"

     Elon suppressed the need to sigh as he nodded his agreement. He wasn’t stupid enough to think that anyone would do something like that for free.

     Tulah Kisner's eyes flashed dangerously, but Vere Polnicek shoved her gently. The magma Acara looked away in disgust. Aldric Begin, who Elon had almost forgotten about, patted his teammate on the shoulder. "How about we go and run off some steam, Tulah?" he half asked, half demanded. Filo had used a similar tone back when he was captain.

     With a grunt Tulah Kisner turned away from them. "Sure, whatever." With that, she went on ahead. Aldric Beign smiled at his teammate. "You finish things up here, yea?" Vere Polnicek had already turned her attention back to Elon's treasure. "Sure no prob," she said removing another piece of from the music box. "Have fun, Captain!"

     After Aldric Begin left so did any chance at a conversation. The Yurble was busy looking over the music box while mumbling to herself. Elon didn't dare interrupt.

     Eventually she spoke up.

     "I can't start right away." She said, "I need replacements for the broken parts, but once I have them it should be pretty straight forward."

     Elon nodded to show he understood. The Yurble grinned. "Don't worry about Tulah's gibberish," she said, "I'm more than happy to do this. It's a fun new challenge for me!"

     Elon could only make a tiny noise to show his gratitude as there was a knock on the base's door. Elon turned around and was surprised to see Fiorina in the doorway. The yellow Eyrie waved at them.

     "The Wizard asked me to check on you," she said with a gentle smile. "But it seems things are going as well as they can."

     Vere Polnicek had her nose buried in his treasure. "I'll come get you if I need to ask about anything," she said waving goodbye with her free hand. "See ya around, Black Hole!"

     Elon sighed heavily as he and Florina left the Moltarian base and started heading towards the Maraquan one. He had no choice, but to leave his treasure there and it worried him. It was in technicality a favour for The Wizard rather than a favour for Elon, but still.

     He stopped and looked back toward the Moltarian base. Fiorina said nothing as she waited.

     Elon just wanted his treasure to work again.

To be continued…

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