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Escape with a Good Book

by homsar_eggplant


With a swift gulp of the temporary morphing potion, Chet began to shake and quake. The charming and calming woods in the Faerieland outskirts began to spin and dance. The circling trees whirled faster until Chet fell to the earthy ground. After blacking out for a minute, he comes to by a puddle. A green Uni in worn out travel garb stares back, success! One caravan montage and change of clothing later, Chet arrives in full disguise. After some initial questions as to why "The General" cut his vacation short, Chet simply quips that the activities of "The Subject" cause him concern, offering a simple sewing book as an alternative. Leading him to the compound, the subordinates seem a bit baffled, informing Chet that Doc has been active in sewing for years already. In fact, his behaviour for the last two has been a radical shift towards good even. Chet quickly proclaims his fears of Doc reverting at any moment. The agents nod in agreement, seeing the disguised Chet's point. With cameras pointing at almost every angle of the compound, Chet navigates a labyrinth through a mixture of calm demeanour and deceptive questions for personnel.

          A high-ranking official yellow Ixi decked out in a badge-coated white suit and officer's hat stops Chet in his tracks, "General Ulysses Poweredhoof! Are you that worried about the mad doc? You can't fool me, look at that book in your hand! Unwind for once! It'll remove some wrinkles!"

          Chet sighs, "I'm feeling a little indecisive lately, overall tense. So, shall I simply deliver this as a show of good faith, or toss it to another department. Point out the way, I'll take a break on this one."

           The surly commander's squinting grimace cracks into a grin, "if vacation has done one thing for you, it's developing a sense of humour. I think you can handle Doc, he's more docile than the kindliest of petpetpets". The officer points in the direction of a sprawling hallway briefly. But, not a moment sooner, his expression returns to a flat stone face. "When you're done, please visit my office. I want to talk to you about controlling that stress of yours. You've been far too tense." Chet gives a nod as he turns down that direction, in confident stride.

           A few security clearances and greetings later, a large laboratory surrounding an elaborate holding chamber is revealed. Two scientists were stationed at a series of computer screens, a red Grarrl in a more elaborate lab jacket and a Blumaroo in more standard attire. One chimes, "Ya know what's kinda funny? All of this feels like that one superhero movie. Remember that scene where the villain pretends to be captured and tricks the team into messing up? And then, bam, he's out! And worse, some of the heroes are trapped amidst his daring escape! Good thing we're too good for that, eh?" The other one replies, "Shut up, Hal. Life ain't like a movie. Besides, this operation is top secret. We're the Defenders Official Team, Agents of D.O.T.!" Both abruptly stop monitoring procedure as a green Uni in militaristic regalia approaches them. The first scientist chimes in, "Dressed for the occasion, General? And this book, is it for Doc?" Chet simply nods twice, as the one scientist continues, "Well, we're confident that Doc will take any positive gesture from you in stride. In fact, he asked how you were doing? News of you being overworked spreads between sectors. Anyway..." The Grarrl adjusts a few switches with one hand, while inputting various code with another. All at the same time, speaking a variety of pass phrases in a multitude of different languages. The other scientist types at a feverish speed to also provide confirmation. After 2 minutes, a klaxon like alarm rings as a series of doorways depressurize and reveal the chamber beyond. And dressed in fluffy handcrafted clothing, the formerly nefarious Doc! At first, the mad scientist acts lost in his endless crafts, crocheting a sweater filled with the design of a calm evening on a hillside. Without any notice of Chet specifically, Doc inflects, "When creating a landscape through thread, one must treat it much like a watercolour piece in a sense! Sewing after all..." Doc whips around to showcase his latest masterpiece, "is AAAARRRTTT!"

           Chet is taken back by this sudden, but unconvincing transformation. But, before the held patient can get a glance at the fake general, Chet recomposes posture and flattens his expression. "Ah, General! To what honour do I owe your visit? You left vacation to check up on me?" continues Doc. Doc places his tools on a basic wooden table, somehow granted to him in this space. He begins to tap his fingers together, an old habit that seems to die hard. "Hmmm, did you bring me a gift? I see something book shaped, more crafts perhaps?" Chet looks down at the equally cloaked tome of dark power. His mind begins to recede back into deep thought once more. Did his "friend" actually change? Was this part of some elaborate multi-year ruse to keep composure? What if people change? Would this New Doc reject the real book and take offence? What if this fails and he gets imprisoned too? As he sits in deep thought, Doc's tapping picks up speed. "Ah, dramatic tension! I love it! If you have anything to show me, I'll happily await it!" Chet reaches into his stolen garb and pulls out the sewing book, exhaling a slight sigh in the process. He slowly brings it towards Doc's grasp, as mad prisoner's expression jumps from interest to child-like wonder. Chet, in realization, yanks it back, as Doc slouches in disappointment. "I'll give you this book, but first I want to see how far you've come here."

      Doc's posture reanimates with determined vigour, as he rushes over to a shoot-like device at the end of his containment cell. Using some means of sign language-like code to the Blumaroo and Grarrl scientists, a series of stored packages are funnelled over. Like a child, ripping apart wrapping paper from an advent calendar gift, he digs into an assortment of finely sewn goods ranging from clothing to overly household goods. "While I'm self-taught, I must say, my works of AAARRRT speak magnitudes on their own! Anything that can be achieved through knitting or other techniques, I'll find the means of doing it! Nothing is too challenging for the likes of me!"

      Chet purses his lips, rolling his eyes to the side with a raised brow. Ah-ha! "For what it was worth, my gift was a general book on sewing. Clearly, your skill is far beyond any need for this. You've become an expert in your own right! It begs the question, who else knows of your craft?" Distracted by inquiry, Doc taps on the glass looking out towards the science duo. The Blumaroo assistant gets onto a speaker system, "General Poweredhoof, I know you like departments to run all their own, but this guy has been making stuff for everyone. Don't worry, we checked. It's literally just handmade stuff. No super-science, no malice, no evil. In fact, much of it is comfortable. You seem uptight, maybe you can ask him for something instead and relax." The audio cuts off as the two observers begin to snicker in criticism of their "superior". Chet, trying to keep up the persona, demands access to prisoner privileges. The duo clacks away at a keyboard above, printing out a document and popping it into a tube through the two-way shoot. Chet quickly pops the case open, scanning the document. While he's a prisoner for life, he has been granted the ability to share his work with others. Also, he's been allowed an audience with other agents and staff of the facility. While he can't leave containment, others with clearance can come in, such as General Poweredhoof. Finishing the document, he pops it back in the tube and sends it back into the shoot. Adjusting his uniform, the Not-General asks if he could figure out how Doc's during mealtime.

      About two hours later, Chet accompanies a chef with servings of pompom berry-based salad as well as an Altadorian pasta dish. Expecting Doc to gobble all in front of him, Chet slides his chair outside of theoretical "splash zone" from flying scraps. However, Doc tucks a napkin under his prisoner uniform and delicately feasts. The concern on Chet's polymorphed face begins to show again, glancing down at the book. Chet slowly munches on the fruit salad mixture as he eyes the refined etiquette the formerly tactless Techo is exhibiting.

      "As much as a silent luncheon would be fine, let us get to this business. I have lots of time, but I assume you don't!" Gulping down the last of the salad, Chet tries to avoid any further eye contact with the mystery gift. Crossing his arms and tilting his head, Chet studies Doc, who can't seem to help his poor posturing even at the table, before continuing. "The lab techs have been pretty vague, but let's talk about your progress, shall we? How far have you come?"

      Doc neatly places the utensils on the table before clapping his hands together. "Ah, I thought you'd never ask!" Doc chirps in excitement. "You see, I was once a lost soul who thought he could improve the world through elaborate schemes and ridiculous experiments. In the end, I caused Neopia far too much pain to fathom, thus I was locked away here. However, talking to anyone I was allowed to helped me reconsider things... eventually, find myself! It started with trying arts, a science all its own. In the end, sewing became my new passion! Sewing requires skill and technique, but not schemes!" As Doc speaks, his familiar mad flailing of limbs dance with the same passion as his old projects. "Ever since, I've been seeking new ideas for bigger and better projects. Now, I'm sure my skill has surpassed it, but I'd love it if you could please show me that book." Chet, about to taste the pasta, locks up for a moment.

      Clearing his throat, the "green Uni" reaches for the book before asking the lab to cut off audio monitoring. Placing the "sewing book" on the table, Doc scrutinizes the cover intently. He flips through a bunch of pages, examining it with the same precision applied to the needle itself. Chet, without thought, blurts, "A little gift from an old friend of yours, another Techo" before practically biting his tongue. Doc's amusement shifts to shock, as if a locked part of his brain has been opened. The befuddled prisoner begins to move his arms around as if literally arranging pieces of a hypothetical puzzle. Finishing the last of the pasta, he signals to the two attendants in the monitor station before Chet simply tells Doc that it's time for him to go. After a nice farewell, Chet goes back to carefully crawling the patrolled halls; all while maintaining the lie of belonging there. As he dodges operatives, science teams and officers; he rounds the corner back towards an elevator out... However, right before an exit is a video surveillance suite. One of the security cameras was monitoring Doc, the formerly friendly figure was hunched over this tome in unnerving obsession. Chet stares dumbfounded at his act, as the duo outside the containment cage signal for an agent to enter and observe the seemingly upset prisoner.

      Chet spun around to escape the premises but came face to face with the high-ranking Ixi officer, tapping a foot on the ground, with hands pressed aggressively on his hips. The officer gruffly huffs, "You might want to explain how someone who looks and sounds like you is proclaiming to still be at the faerie springs? We don't get prank calls, all of our lines are intensely secure! Are you really General Ulysses Poweredhoof? Chet slinks, a crack of a nervous chuckle escapes his mouth as he presses next to the screen with Doc. Meanwhile, in the cell, a couple of handlers respond to the distressed Doc, approaching him in a circle. But, not a moment sooner, the fake cover emits a mechanical blue glow and slips off, revealing the shadow tome underneath. The ominous book glows, as the pouncing guards are hurled against the glassy cage, sending the science duo into a panic. The Ixi, in awe over the sight, hollers into the room, "Who are you, really?" as an intercom is hijacked through a mystical crackle. Doc's familiar voice chimes across the facility, "Thanks, Chet! Of course, it was you, no one else would come to my rescue! Being a goody-goody for so long was weird! I almost lost myself completely, I was becoming a boring husk of fabric and plush, like some kind of hand-knit zombie! Hmm, that could be a fun idea... Anyway, I believe it's time I do my part! Shadow Tome, take it AWAAAAAY!!" As the booming voice clicks off, the footage reveals him uttering some sort of incantation, causing pulsing energy to surge throughout the massive structure.

      The flustered yellow officer ordered a couple of soldiers to watch the video room as he darted off, forcing Chet to witness the madness unfurl. A crackling beam of energy whips around before opening some type of arcane doorway of potent and sinister purple energy. The doors to the cell open as the yellow Ixi storms in with backup. The hunched Techo merely tilts his head with a sunken grin of manic glee before replying, "Doc's back, yeeeeeeey-yaaaaaaah!" as a flood of amorphous shadows begin to flood and clutter the room, surrounding the readied attack force. Like a fish to water, the shadows hop into the bodies of the would-be interlopers. The soldiers and officer fall to the ground like timber, blank expressions on each face. Doc grasps the book, reciting something again. This time, the screen glows as the soldiers stationed at the security move towards containment. A lockdown siren sounds off but is interrupted in the surveillance room as the one screen glows purple.

      Doc's voice chimes into the room, "You've completed my greatest study! You see, I had a lovely jaunt into a fun little dimension called 'Aipoen' or "Eye Open", home of a beautiful realm called "Wraith Land"! I met many friends, but they couldn't join me. Now we can be friends with them, all they ask is to borrow a number of people on this Material Plane and we can go from there!" As he says this, the bodies rise up, still containing a white and vacant look in their eyes. Their voices croak and crackle in unnatural laughter. "Behold, Wraithites! Cool, huh? It's what happens when a wraith hops into and pilots a meat puppet!" points out Doc through the enchanted TV screen.

      The yellow Ixi-turned-wraith-zombie then turns toward the camera stating, "We are the things that were and shall be again! Darkness beyond Dawn! Darkness beyond Dawn" before his fellow possessed disperse into the compound, followed by screams of terror and maniacal laughter, plus noises of struggle and conflict.

      Chet, feeling the potion wear off, stares at the screen as if compelled. He begins to curl against a desk, rocking his head. "I knew I should have listened to my questions, Why didn't I stop myself? I had a career in cheese! It was good, even if boring! And now, I've caused the apocalypse! I didn't think it would go this bad. But of course, it would, it's Doc! He's the only one to take me seriously, but he's absolutely bonkers! And I'm an accomplice, does that make me bonkers? Have I been doomed into being a henchman this whole time?" As he rocks around in panic, shutter doors close all around the facility in a frenzy as the sirens continue to go berserk. Sealed in a room coated red from a blinking alarm light, an invasive purple begins to spill from the screen as Doc seemingly jumps through the camera and into the video room. The ominous figure crouches down and extends a hand towards Chet, "friends help friends! "

      Chet, cringing, extends a shaky hand which Doc grasps.

      "Plus,” adds Doc, “these new friends like my sewing! Isn't that wonderful? Anyway, onto business!" In a flash, both of them glow purple as they're hurled through the screen and into the shadowy portal. Before the whirling maelstrom of eldritch energy blots out all noise, Doc simply yells, "FOR SCIIIIIEEEEEENCE!"

     The End.

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