Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 196,800,688 Issue: 943 | 27th day of Hiding, Y23
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword cazcazig

Week - 929

Gourmet Mynci Day
by cazcazig
Description: A hard-working Mynci is determined to not let the woes of his day job stop him from enjoying Mynci day!

Week - 938

by cazcazig
Description: Back in year three, during the Month of Eating, a yellow Wocky professor used a time-travelling machine that crashed somewhere in ancient Tyrannia...

Week - 943

Slushie Slinging Mutant Slayer
by cazcazig
Description: Dr. Frank Sloth will forever be known for his marvellous invention of the mutants. He leaves behind a legacy of mutations, with the Mutant Grundos at the pinnacle of his creation...

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The Future is with Virtupets
A group of amateur financial enthusiasts keep track of periodic changes in the prices of Neopia’s items at private shops, and recently, they have observed remarkable rising price fluctuation for several transmogrification potions...

by ziemelbriedis


Gargarox Isafuhlarg: A Life & Times
A Gormball career and an expert at whipping up mouthwatering delicacies? This green Grundo is surely a Neopian to watch!

by honorrolle


We'll Never Know.
Is it Halloween, or a Mutant...? Collab with kougra_adoptables

by cooltiger2007


PrePAWSterous: Meeting a Mutant
Are you afraid of mutant pets?

by pau_meow


Mutant Pets, Should You Have One?
There are many concerns one might have with these bizarre and genetically altered creatures but rest assured all your doubts will be answered in this article. Who knows? You might even want to get a mutant pet for yourself!

by chincer

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