Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 196,800,688 Issue: 943 | 27th day of Hiding, Y23
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Mutant Pets, Should You Have One?

There are many concerns one might have with these bizarre and genetically altered creatures but rest assured all your doubts will be answered in this article. Who knows? You might even want to get a mutant pet for yourself!

by chincer
Making Your Mutant Neopet Feel At Home

Over the years many Mutant-based products have been made to help Mutant Neopets feel more comfortable!

by pikachu315111
Mutant Complexity in Meridellian Weewoos

Read on for a summary of known research on mutant Weewoo physical traits, life history, diet, and song structure. Knowledge of this sub-species is limited and warrants further research.

by parody_ham
Mutant Morphology Vol. 3

The final installment, covering species O through Z!

by hamster_wolf
Gargarox Isafuhlarg: A Life & Times

A Gormball career and an expert at whipping up mouthwatering delicacies? This green Grundo is surely a Neopian to watch!

by honorrolle
The Future is with Virtupets

A group of amateur financial enthusiasts keep track of periodic changes in the prices of Neopia’s items at private shops, and recently, they have observed remarkable rising price fluctuation for several transmogrification potions...

by ziemelbriedis
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"A Mutant Vacation" by precious_katuch14
Mystery Island’s Hotel Lane was a whole line of hotels, inns, and taverns with an unobstructed view of the seashore and punctuated at several intervals by palm trees and flowering shrubs. And at the end of this lane was a large, quaint, cottage painted in shades of peach and white, with a sign made from bamboo and seashells proclaiming it to be “Seaside Cottage”. Both the cottage and the sign looked like they had seen better days, with some shells either broken or completely gone, but they did not turn away the mutant Bruce who was staring at the front door. He glanced down the lane at the other hotels before staring at the small piece of paper which had “Seaside Cottage” written on it, along with its address

Other Stories


A New Home
The rain was coming down in sheets. Flashes of lightning lit the night sky and rolls of thunder rattled the windows of the manor's sitting room. To be fair, it wasn’t all that usual...

by auxillia


A Mutant Vacation
Mystery Island’s Hotel Lane was a whole line of hotels, inns, and taverns with an unobstructed view of the seashore and punctuated at several intervals by palm trees and flowering shrubs...

by precious_katuch14


For the Love of the Game
Dedicated to my favorite member of Team Faerieland.

by 77thbigby


The Power of Twelve
Jerdana and Sasha would speak to the Darkest Faerie, of course, but first they needed to consult King Altador...

by herdygerdy


More Than He Could Mew!
Look before you mew! Collab with t0tor0

by truebrony


Cosplay for Mutant Day!
Mom, you are sooo embarrassing!

by sheepmad4eva

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