There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 196,800,688 Issue: 943 | 27th day of Hiding, Y23
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Short Stories

A New Home

The rain was coming down in sheets. Flashes of lightning lit the night sky and rolls of thunder rattled the windows of the manor's sitting room. To be fair, it wasn’t all that usual...

by auxillia
A Mutant Vacation

Mystery Island’s Hotel Lane was a whole line of hotels, inns, and taverns with an unobstructed view of the seashore and punctuated at several intervals by palm trees and flowering shrubs...

by precious_katuch14
Handling The Unexpected

Looking straight down at the rock in the gently flowing river, Vanduck tried a seventh time to peck at the ground. The energy stored in the currents of the water and the heat of its river stones was barely enough to activate the young mutant vandagyre's psychometry... Collab with joanna_lewis

by kebicorn
Present For a Mutant

Another gloomy night in the haunted woods was about to begin. The sun was setting over permanent darkness, and in the Graveyard of Doom, Albert the Kacheek was awakening from another awful day spent resting alone.

by ocxinthebreather
Slushie Slinging Mutant Slayer

Dr. Frank Sloth will forever be known for his marvellous invention of the mutants. He leaves behind a legacy of mutations, with the Mutant Grundos at the pinnacle of his creation...

by cazcazig
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"A New Home" by auxillia
The rain was coming down in sheets. Flashes of lightning lit the night sky and rolls of thunder rattled the windows of the manor's sitting room. To be fair, it wasn’t all that usual. A dark and stormy night was a common occurrence for a manor set just outside of the Haunted Woods. Seryphus couldn’t help but think that perhaps the owner had built here for that very reason. The Doctor did have a flair for the dramatic. The weather was so loud, in fact, that it was a wonder the mutant Hissi managed to hear the front-doorbell. The left head looked up from her book, the right from her crossword and, setting both aside, she made her way down the hall to the large oak door, being sure to grab an umbrella from the stand nearby.

Other Stories


The Future is with Virtupets
A group of amateur financial enthusiasts keep track of periodic changes in the prices of Neopia’s items at private shops, and recently, they have observed remarkable rising price fluctuation for several transmogrification potions...

by ziemelbriedis


Making Your Mutant Neopet Feel At Home
Over the years many Mutant-based products have been made to help Mutant Neopets feel more comfortable!

by pikachu315111


The Power of Twelve
Jerdana and Sasha would speak to the Darkest Faerie, of course, but first they needed to consult King Altador...

by herdygerdy


Rosalina and the Way-Weird Beast
Quickly, now! An ailment! I need an ailment, yes I do!

by downrightdude


Better Call Mom #1
mom searches for the Count just to play a game.

by wiiwario112


Blossoms~ Heart to Heart Part 6
You gotta budge somehow!

by twillieblossom

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