Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 196,800,688 Issue: 943 | 27th day of Hiding, Y23
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword chincer

Week - 943

Mutant Pets, Should You Have One?
by chincer
Description: There are many concerns one might have with these bizarre and genetically altered creatures but rest assured all your doubts will be answered in this article. Who knows? You might even want to get a mutant pet for yourself!

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Handling The Unexpected
Looking straight down at the rock in the gently flowing river, Vanduck tried a seventh time to peck at the ground. The energy stored in the currents of the water and the heat of its river stones was barely enough to activate the young mutant vandagyre's psychometry... Collab with joanna_lewis

by kebicorn


EVERYONE is a Mutant??
Nah, it's just the mutants, totally. Collab with rielcz

by chasing_stars44


A Mutant Vacation
Mystery Island’s Hotel Lane was a whole line of hotels, inns, and taverns with an unobstructed view of the seashore and punctuated at several intervals by palm trees and flowering shrubs...

by precious_katuch14


Random Oddness: My Petpet is Now my Brother #5
And then he died (inside).

by mistyqee


Rosalina and the Way-Weird Beast
Quickly, now! An ailment! I need an ailment, yes I do!

by downrightdude

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