Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 196,861,381 Issue: 947 | 29th day of Collecting, Y23
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We found the following 19 result(s) for the keyword verna_

Week - 175

How Not To Get Tangled In Your Own Webs
by chia625_2001
Description: Well, I guess you were expecting a guide of some sort, so I'll guess I'll jump right to it. I'll also have Webber, my Snow Spyder to help me with this...

Week - 233

Web of Vernax - a Guide to Spinning
by miseryguts5720
Description: In this game you are a Spyder, and a very handsome one, I might add. Your aim is to survive! To do this you must catch the bugs (Vernax) that scurry around so that you may feast on them later.

Week - 264

VernaxEater's Guide to Pwning the Web of Vernax
by giantspyder
Description: So, you want to master the Web of Vernax, do you? Well, it looks as if you came to the right place.

Week - 667

by chocolatelovernana
Description: Could have at least gone in the summer.

Week - 672

by chocolatelovernana
Description: It IS Tyrannian.

Week - 923

Oops...I Did it Again
by verna_
Description: Almost finished! collab with theofloppy4135

Week - 925

by verna_
Description: I *heart* Sloth. Collab with theofloppy4135

Week - 927

Very Good Cards
by verna_
Description: Happy Valentine's Day. Collab with theofloppy4135

Week - 928

An Unexpected Accessory
by baiuki
Description: A random event, but make it fashion! collab with theofloppy4135 and verna_

Week - 934

Plushie Tycoon x Festival of Neggs
by verna_
Description: Negg themed Sales Management Strategy. Collab with theofloppy4135

Week - 935

The Misadventures of Snor: What a Grey day!
by verna_
Description: Playing with puddles has never been so much fun! Collab with theofloppy4135

Week - 937

The Misadventures of Snor #2:Yooyu'll really like it
by verna_
Description: Take a bite and have a taste of our AC menu. Collab with theofloppy4135

Week - 938

Always Check the Expiration Date
by baiuki
Description: 'Round and 'round... it doesn't go. Collab with theofloppy4135 and verna_

Week - 939

Can you see now?
by myncithemonkey
Description: Tobias and Hovri during the off-season... "Psst, did the contestants show up yet?" Collab with verna_ and timothy1692

Week - 940

Down the Cybunny Hole
by verna_
Description: What lies beyond the mysterious entrance? Collab with theofloppy4135 and timothy1692

Week - 941

Rich Man's World
by timothy1692
Description: With our powers combined, we are Scara.. Wait! Where did it go? Collab with verna_ and myncithemonkey

Week - 944

Oh, Where is the Warehouse?
by verna_
Description: I have come for a bargain. Collab with myncithemonkey and timothy1692

Week - 946

Dome of the Deep Breath
by verna_
Description: Let's start the fight... glub glub. Collab with myncithemonkey and timothy1692

Week - 947

Oh, for goodness’ cake!
by verna_
Description: Trick or Treat: Bakery Edition. Collab with myncithemonkey and timothy1692

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The crag hung off the island like a loose tooth—a shaft of granite barely thick enough to trust with a rope... Collab with draiklover139

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Rosalina and the Way-Weird Beast
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An Alien World
Krasavka crash lands on an Alien world... what will happen next?

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A Hero's Ballad: The Knightmare (For Surreal)
Kayla, Lisha, Danner, and Serian give it their all to save Jeran and Rohane from being trapped in the Blumaroo's dream!

by parody_ham


Technology: Trick or Treat?
A look at the role of technology in everyday Neopians' lives this Halloween season.

by rielcz

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