Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 196,894,046 Issue: 950 | 10th day of Celebrating, Y23
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950 Shades of Fire - A Party to Remember

by nice_collector


It’s December, finally! On this month, Neopians celebrate the Month of Celebrating. There are dozens of events to solemnize this occasion, such as places to gather friends and have a wonderful time. But, right now, all eyes are on one specific location: the Grand Neopian Neolodge. Since the seventh Day of Celebrating of Year 20, Neopians spread all over the world were waiting anxiously for the next big party arranged by the Neopian Times CEO, in memory of the awaited Neopian Times Edition #950.

     The hotel chosen to shelter the most prestigious event on Neopia, as expected, was the Presidential Palace. This magnificent hotel, located on Neopia’s High Street, the heart of Neopia Central, is conveniently situated on the cradle of the local economy. Its majestic rooms and salons are completely made of gold and marble, and delicately decorated with shiny diamonds and other precious stones on every wall. This immense hotel offers many wonderful choices of entertainment, according to the most varied tastes, like spa services, themed bars and restaurants, nightclubs, tennis courts, saunas, swimming pools, an underground mall and the hotel’s famed casino The High Roller, in which the former richest Neopians ever, such as King Coltzan, Sutek and also the Great Pango Pango have already gambled their riches playing NeoPoker.

     Like that wasn’t enough, the treatment provided by the Presidential Palace is “top-notch”. The hotel counts with 250 employees, willing to meet all your wishes and needs whenever you ask for them. There are chamberlains on all rooms and halls, in case you get lost while heading to your accommodations or to get you descriptions of everything the hotel has to offer. Also, as we are on the Month of Eating, let’s not forget about the food. The hotel has over 50 culinary professionals, including six head chefs with the know-how of the delicacy of the many Neopian cultures spread all over the world.

     The hotel’s garden is ready for the celebration. Lots of tables decorated with a small Weewoo statue made with silver on the center and a copy of the Neopian Times 950th edition, a big stage to incredible concerts and also a dance floor, so Neopians can dance all night long. Many appetizers and cocktails were developed by Kelp, so the guests who had the honour of participating in the party can delight a nice Cornupepper Lemonade with a Kelp Gazpacho before the main course is served during dinner.

     It will be a huge moment to celebrate something in Neopia. “The Faeries are finishing their new kingdom, the peace remains in all worlds, and there’s no better time to throw a party,” said the Neopian Times’ president, mister Van der Times, during an interview earlier that day.

     And the day has finally come. Since the sunrise early that day, Neopians are arriving in the most desired place of Neopia from every corner of the World: Peophins from Maraqua, Faeries from Faerieland, even the Grundos from Virtupets. Everyone that manages to arrive at the Presidential Palace early enough will have the opportunity to be a part of the beautiful story that has been written by Neopian Times since January 25th of the Month of Sleeping, Year 1.

     A big crowd is expected for today. The hotel gates will be opened at 8 p.m., and that’s when the party starts. The staunch Tonu, responsible for guarding the Magma Pool of Moltara was hired to take care of the security, and arranged a total of 50 security guards to make sure the guests obey the rules and no one ruins the party, so everything goes perfectly!

     Of course, in such a big party like this, there’s no way our biggest and most famous celebrities wouldn’t come. And the first one has just arrived: No other than King Altador, the founder and leader of Altador, coming in a huge golden chariot with the words “The Hunter” written with rubies and sapphires on both sides. A dozen Chia reporters waiting by the hotel gates are stunned by his elegance, screaming: “You are my hero!”

     After him, in a purple cloud slowly levitating 20 inches over the floor, the malefic Jhudora, escorted by her loyal bodyguards, Sarah and Daisy, throwing death flowers and laughing loudly from all. The Neopians present have mixed feelings about her. A small group of Acaras are desperate because she was invited to the party and are fervently asking that the security guards won’t allow her entry through the huge marble gates of the hotel entrance (this rage could possibly come from an unsuccessful quest in the past, but who could know that?). At the same time, a dozen Elephants are amazed by her presence. One of them was interviewed by a Chia reporter, and when he was asked why he likes the Dark Faerie so much, he answered: “It is unknown exactly what harm Jhudora did, so I don’t think she can be condemned for her actions as there is no proof of her wicked deeds!”

     Many other celebrities were arriving later at the hotel before the beginning of the party. Some beloved friends, like King Roo, Tarla, Fernypoo, Kauvara, Hanso, and some not so lovely, like Hubrid Nox, Meuka and Captain Scarblade.

     Before the celebration started and after everyone was settled down comfortably, the president, mister Van der Times, started his speech. “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome! Welcome to the celebration of the 950th edition of Neopian Times! I’m so glad you all could come. I can see here by the stage some old friends and familiar faces, and also some fantastic people that I didn’t have the opportunity to meet yet. I heard some small talks around the alleys of Neopia during the week that I’m the one who should get credit for this huge accomplishment. But you know what? They are wrong. My part on this beautiful story comes down to creating this company. The proportions that the newspaper reached were only possible thanks to all of you, beloved writers, who dedicated years of hard work and sleepless nights to bring all the Neopians fresh news around the world, and also entertain with some good stories and comics!” said the president.

     After a few minutes of a beautiful speech, the always humble mister Van der Times completed: “I Hope you enjoy the party! The food and drinks will be brought to the tables in a minute. You can enjoy this nice evening in the garden, or go inside the hotel facilities if you want. The music will start playing soon and, of course, our traditional fireworks show at 11 p.m. You can’t miss it. It’s going to be “LEGENDARY” finished Times, with a huge round of applause. “But enough talking. Let’s get this party started!”

     The moment the last word came out of the president’s mouth, a loud sound with the perfect timing came from all the speakers. They turned on the stereo with some songs just to enliven the guests before the bands started to perform their greatest hits. Waiters were bringing Strawberry Sausages with Aged Tchea Juice to the tables. Also, a 30 feet long table totally filled with all the different types of appetizers and a bar located by the entrance with a multitude of drink options to suit the variety of tastes of the many guests from every corner of Neopia was there to satisfy the guests. “Oh, my Coltzan, look at these! I can’t even recognize the different kinds of food that are being served!” said Lulu, the Cybunny.

     “Me neither. But I want to try them all!” answered the Down for Maintenance Pteri, who took a break from his boring job and flew his way to the party. “Which fruit is this? I want to taste all the delicacies!” completed the Pteri, while admiring its lush purple colour.

     “It’s a Plum!” exclaimed a light Faerie flying next to him. “During my last visit to Krawk Island for a tournament of Krawps, I heard from Gooblah the Grarrl that the price per pound goes from 45 to 50 dubloons on Smuggler’s Cove! For the love of Fyora, they are really expensive!”

     “And also really tasty!” said Branston the Eyrie, with his mouth already full. Indeed, it was, otherwise the well-known dance floor enthusiast wouldn’t be losing his precious time at the nightclub inside the Presidential Palace just to eat a couple of fruits.

     The party has finally begun! People are eating, the first concert is about to start, and the celebrities are all around, chatting with their admirers. Inside the hotel rooms, there is a high roller game of Bilge Dice going on. Among the Neopians seating at the table lied Chuffer Bob, who no one knew if he came to the party for the free food or to flaunt to the whole room his gambling skills. Also, present was the Tiki Tack Man, who claimed to be doing pretty well on his business lately on Mystery Island. So well, that he decided to try to double his fortune with a not-so-harmless game night.

     Outside the hotel rooms, in the garden, everyone is looking forward to the beginning of the concerts. “I can’t wait to see Yes Boy Ice-Cream on stage. I follow the band wherever they perform, they are awesome!” said Xandra, the Xweetok to Valrigard, who was sitting in the chair next to it.

     “Yeah, me too. I love them. I will dance all night long!” answers the Draik. “Do you know when they will start playing?”

     “According to the schedule, the first concert should start around 9 p.m. That is 30 minutes from now! I’m finishing my meal right now and going to the stage.” said Xandra. “I want to be in the first line”.

     “Wait for me!” yelled Valrigard, while eating his food quickly.

     The party couldn’t be more beautiful. The Faeries put lights on every tree, there are hundreds of beautiful Lightmites flying around the artificial lake situated in the hotel gardens, and baby Lupes and Techos are playing Yooyuball with the athletes from official Altador Cup teams. The first band started playing a while ago, and everyone is having fun. Even Meuka was doing some nice pirouettes on the dance floor (but dropping some not-so-nice snot all over the place). Everything is going great.

     So great that no one noticed a big shadow rounding the place where the fireworks are stocked and placed for the pyrotechnic show, on the back of the hotel. The guard that should be watching the fireworks was having his well-deserved time break after eight straight hours working without a rest, and his substitute thought that chatting with Hannah around the bar area was more important than doing his job properly.

     The shadow didn’t steal anything. In fact, all it did was move some fireworks to point in a different direction without being noticed by anyone. The fireworks were all set to fulfil the sky with a wonderful combination of colours and draws, so what was it really doing? Probably not a good thing.

     Just like magic, the shadow disappeared. The guards didn’t notice anything wrong, so the fireworks would probably continue to stay pointed at the way the shadow left. Meanwhile, the party continues. Jazzmosis is now playing, and the dance floor is completely replete with Neopians. The drinks are being served from the waiters, and now the table that once was filled with appetizers gave room for lots of small chocolates stuffed with cream in the shapes of Weewoos. The night is far from the end.

     Suddenly, mister Times appeared on the stage, and the band stopped playing. “It’s time, my friends. The moment you have all been waiting for. Let's start the traditional and most incredible show of fireworks! Ten minutes of the most beautiful colour show, prepared by our friends from Shenkuu. Are you ready?” asked Times, followed by a huge round of screams and applause.

     “This is the part I most enjoy during those huge parties!” screamed Nabile, the Ixi, who came from the far Lost Desert to enjoy the night.

     “Me too! I heard that the Space Faerie helped clean the sky, so we could see the lights and colours shining brightly.” said Cap’n Threelegs, right before the first firework crossed the sky.

     The show started the way everyone has imagined, like a night in paradise. Many different colours and shapes crossed the sky, fulfilling the party with lights and sounds, and Neopians’ eyes are petrified watching it.

     Although, a couple of minutes later, something went wrong. A firework left the place directly to the hotel, crossing a window on the 11th floor, which is where the kitchen stands. Inside it, all the Flotsams in charge of preparing the food ran away from that floor as fast as they could, terrified about the event. The only thing they could see was a couple of explosions, due to the out-of-control firework and the gas cylinders inside the kitchen.

     “I don’t think it was supposed to happen...” says Bruno, when the second firework crossed another window of the hotel.

     “Someone please turn off the fireworks!” yelled a Meerca. But it's too late! Three more fireworks left their bases and flew right into the hotel, followed by another two, and two after that. Black smoke could be seen coming out of the kitchen window. In just a few minutes, the fire spread to the other floors. All the guests were presenting the beginning of a big fire, which started to grow up more and more.

     “FIRE! FIRE! YOUR PANTS ON FIRE!” screamed Thogrin, while the rest of the Neopians ran far away, keeping a safe distance from the hotel and dragging chairs and tables in order to save as much furniture as they could from the fire.

     “I don’t understand, how could that happen? I hired a team specialized in performing pyrotechnic shows, they cautiously calculated the trajectory of the fireworks, came early to prepare the show and pointed them in the opposite direction of the hotel, not against it!” said mister Times, totally confused about the incident. “Did anyone enter this place? Because someone may have tampered with the show, it’s the only explanation!” he shouted to the guard who was supposed to watch the fireworks.

     “No, sir. I was here all the time, except when I was having dinner, so my substitute… wait a minute. What is that?” pointed the guard to a shadow flying away from the place next to the fireworks’ spot.

     “I know that silhouette… SLOTH! Sloth, I can’t believe you did that. You will pay for this; I SWEAR YOU WILL!” Screamed mister Times, hearing a disgusting laugh in return. A couple of seconds later, right before anyone could even think about grabbing the evil Dr. Frank Sloth, he dematerialized like magic.

     “Sir, leave him, the damage was done, he must have teleported to a place far away from here. We have to save the Neopians inside the Presidential Palace, before the fire reaches the lower floors!” said the guard.

     “Don’t worry. I ordered some security guards to take all guests out of the hotel to watch the show, and as soon as the fireworks started the fire inside the kitchen, the cooks managed to trigger the fire alarm and all the employees left the hotel just in time. Thankfully, we won’t have any hurt Neopian, only the material damage.” answered PJ Grundonn, the owner of the hotel.

     “But right now, we need to put out the fire. Call all the firemen and everyone that could help: Water Faeries, Peophins, Kikos, the players of Gormball... About the rest of the guests, make sure everyone stays at least 100 feet away from the hotel and safe.” shouted mister Van der Times. “Affirmative, sir!” said the guard, while whispering with three other guards at his side.

     A few minutes later, the firemen arrived, amongst a large group of Neopians that came to help. “Wait for us. We will help you, too!” said a strange voice. When Times turned around, he saw King Kelpbeard. “Just say the word, mister Times, all my footmen are at your disposal!”. The moment the Maraquan ruler finished his last words, he snapped his fingers, the royal Maraquan troop appeared from nowhere, saluted the king and entered the Presidential Palace fearlessly to contain the fire inside the hotel chambers.

     “Excellent. Thanks a lot, your majesty!” answered Times, while bending over. “You and your troop, take care of the north side, please. Peophins and Kikos, assume the south part with the firemen. Jetsams, Flotsams and the Gormball team, go east. Water Faeries, fly above the hotel and do your magic. The rest of you, come with me to the west!”

     The hotel was totally engulfed in fire. Giant flames were consuming each wall, so fast that even the most positive Neopian could barely believe they could save anything. It took a while, but after almost one hour, the team finally managed to control the fire. But it was too late. All that was left from the former biggest hotel in Neopia were ashes. All the furniture, the marble walls, the tapestry, everything was gone. No one could say there was a hotel there just a few hours earlier. “All… destroyed. There’s nothing else. Just… dust in the wind!” cried the hotel’s owner. “My life is over!”

     “I don’t get it, sir. How could that happen? Didn’t your team check the fireworks before the pyrotechnic show?” asked the Space Faerie, flying over the crowd.

     “They did.” answered Times, with a couple of tears on his eyelids. “But when we were checking the place, we saw Dr. Sloth running away. We think he mixed and pointed them to the hotel on purpose!”

     “I can’t believe it! That villain is going to pay for it! I will haunt him down, I won’t rest until I find him, even if I have to sweep up the whole Neopia after him…” started Space Faerie.

     “No. Not now. He will pay later.” interrupted Times. “Now we have to reunite everyone that could help us, and rebuild the hotel. Dr. Sloth’s plan was to destroy the celebration. Let’s show him that with teamwork we can ruin his plan! I will bear all the expenses, and will do my best to rebuild the Presidential Palace better than it ever was. Who is with me?”

     “I will, sir.” said Space Faerie. “Me too!” answered Thyassa. “You can count on me as well, sir!” yelled Rohane.

     “We will too!” spoke an imposing voice, while all heads turned to see from whom it was. It was King Altador, followed by King Kelpbeard, Swordsmaster Talek, Isca, Illusen, Fernypoo, Kauvara, Brucey B, and all the most powerful celebrities at the party. Even Hubrid Nox and Meuka were there, anxious to help. Jhudora could be seen in her cloud, a little far from the crowd, but near enough to show she was also there to help. And far away in the sky, a shape of an old Lupe seems to be drawn in the clouds, and the present Neopians could hear a voice inside their heads saying: “I hope it helps”. They all knew exactly who it was, and felt hope inside their hearts.

     “Well, with a team like that, I’m pretty sure we will recreate this place even better than it was before the flames. What do you think about it, mister Grundonn?” asked Times.

     “I… I have no words. Thank you. Thank you so much!!” replied the hotel’s owner, who once was overcome with tears of despair, but now weeps with joy, seeing a light at the end of the tunnel.

     “You will have your hotel back, and then we will finish our celebration, I swear. But now, let’s work!” ordered Times. “First of all, we need resistant rocks.”

     “I can get some Shiny Obsidian in Moltara” said the Tonu guard. “We have plenty of them, and they are very durable!”

     “Awesome. Bring it as fast as you can. Now we need wood.” replied Times.

     “Got it!” answered Kelpbeard. “There are a lot of sunken ships deep in the Ruins of Maraqua. I’m sure there is enough reusable wood. But the thing is, we will have to wait until they get dry. It’ll take some days, even weeks.”

     “I can help with that!” returned Ember. “The other fire Faeries and I could speed up the process.”

     “Awesome. Go ahead and do your thing.” agreed Times. “The rest of you, bring all you think that should help: Water from Maraqua, sand from the Lost Desert, furniture from Faerieland, earth from Tyrannia... Meuka, we can use your snot to glue stuff together, so please make a snot reservoir. Let’s build this hotel even better than it was before!”

     And after five days of hard work, with help from all Neopians and the delicious meals from the Soup Faerie to recharge everyone’s energies, the Presidential Palace was ready to reopen.

     And the result couldn’t be better. The hotel was even more magnificent than it was before. It looks like the walls and rocks are shining by themselves, almost like they have been thankful for everyone who put up efforts to rebuild the hotel. The sun was rising in the sky like it was there just to see the beauty of this majestic hotel. The garden was full of trees imported from Mystery Island, a beautiful lake remains in the side, and a restaurant in the back opened to everyone, headed by Captain Hackett, one of the most famous chefs in Krawk Island and owner of the Golden Dubloon.

     “Nice work everyone!” celebrated mister Times. “Your hotel is back and ready to work again, mister Grundonn.”

     “Not yet, mister Times. There’s one thing left.” replied the hotel’s owner. “What? I don’t see anything missing!” exclaimed Times.

     “Actually, it's a gift from me to you. After everything you have done for me, I couldn’t help doing something to remind everyone of your great work helping me rebuild this hotel. So, I prepared a little surprise. And just in time, it’s arriving!”. When mister Times turned his head outside the Presidential Palace, he saw a huge statue of a Weewoo weighing 950 pounds and 7 feet high, made of silver and with shiny golden eyes coming on his way.

     “Me and King Altador decided to put something in the entry hall to honour your generosity and the Neopian Times.” Grundonn said. “We made this statue so everyone can see and remember what happened at the #950 Neopian Times celebration party and what the president, the humblest person in the world, did to gather everyone together and rebuild the Presidential Palace. I am forever grateful, mister Times. And just for you to know, you will have a presidential suite available for you at any time you want to visit us.”

     “That’s the best honour I could receive, this is the most amazing day of my life. Thank you!!” Times replied, amid hiccups and shedding tears of happiness in the hall.

     “Well, if I remember right, we still have a party to finish.” said Hubrid Nox. “Let’s do it?”

     “For sure!” answered both Times and Grundonn in a kind of a chorus. “Let’s celebrate!”

     And then they all went back to the garden, where the celebration party would take place again. The gates were reopened to the guests, the band was ready, the food was being served. Mister Times went up to the stage and said: “Thank you all for your help. I will never forget the memories we shared in the last few days. Sometimes, it’s with tragedy that the most beautiful stories are built. So, let's celebrate the amazing story we wrote together, because today, nothing will stop us. Drink, eat, dance. The night is a child, and the party must go on! With you, Jazzmosis!”

     So, the band started playing, and that night was remembered by everyone as one of the best parties that was ever made in Neopia.

     The End.

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