White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 196,894,046 Issue: 950 | 10th day of Celebrating, Y23
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Hi, Thanks for taking time to read this. Since the conversion to the New style Neoboard. I haven't been able to find a connection from the boards to set my preferences without going off site to find the link. Maybe I'm an old lady now (20+ years) and not adjusting to change well, or maybe I'm not seeing where that handy button moved to. Could we maybe get a more obvious button? Leaves a plate of fresh treats, and warm Borovan for the team! ~~Anonymous
Hi there! This is something that the team has been talking about for a little bit and we actually already have a task for the team to add this in! Thanks for the Borovan, happy holidays! ~~Gutterfoot

I love zapping and adopting out pets but sometimes new owners want a gender change. I have the lab ray on all of my accounts but I'm only allowed to battle the Lab Ray Scientist on my main account, which is full of my permies. Is there any way you could let us turn off item and neopoint drops in the battledome, kind of like how you let us turn off Trudy? ~~0o0slytherinpride0o0
This is a great question. I talked to the team about it after your submission and there’s a couple of different ways we can go about this, so they’re going to take some time to think on which is the best to implement. C: ~~Gutterfoot

As a long-time user, I have copies of my customized pets from way back when. In the last month, when I've tried to download photos of my pets, I've been unable to do so. Why? I have always enjoyed looking back on the various customizations and have watched my family grow from one pet to now seven pets. Hopefully, my little family will grow more with the new pet slots. Please help with pet photo downloads. Thanks bunches!! ~~whiteowl7
Ahh yes! When we redid the homepage and added the pet pop-ups, we do have a little camera button that’s been disabled from launch as we haven’t gotten to that feature yet. I’ve talked to the team about it and they’re going to take a look to see how to get pet photos back up and running! ~~Gutterfoot

Hi! I am LOVING all the new NC items you guys have been coming up with. They have been so cute! ^_^ I was wondering if it was at all possible to make the newest unlimited edition (Autumn Leaves Body Paint) able to fit baby pets as well. I was playing around on DTI, and I came up with the cutest customization! I guess there was a bug or something, and it fit my baby lupe perfectly! I was disappointed when it no longer fit. Please? *Insert big sad eyes here* ~~asiaminour
Hello! We are so happy to hear that you’ve been enjoying the latest NC releases! : ) And that sounds so adorable! I can have our art team adjust the item so it can fit baby pets as well! ~~Miss Rainbow

Hey TNT- So I just logged into my side account for the first time in about 2 months and the 500 free NeoCash alert came up on it. I have 4 side accounts in addition to my main, and am wondering what I can do. Since the alert comes up automatically, are we allowed to just claim the 500 NC on our side accounts? ~~Anonymous
Yes, you can absolutely claim the 500 NC on side accounts. Happy holidays! ~~Gutterfoot

Hi there esteemed Editors! When I send my Neofriends a gifts, I'd love to be able to send them a short message along with it, so they know why I'm sending it (i.e "Get well soon!" or "Good luck on your finals!") - or, alternatively, to be able to attach a gift to a Neomail. Do you think this is a feature that might one day be able to be added? -no tags here-3 ~~spikegalactic2000
I LOVE this idea and definitely think we should implement it when we do our NC Mall redesign with the instant-gift feature we want to add. After we get it working there, we can hopefully use the same functionality for NP gifting as well. Even the idea of attaching a gift to a Neomail, yes please! We’ll take a look at that as we redesign Neomail as well. ~~Gutterfoot

Hi TNT, I absolutely love the new plushies you've released in neopetsshop, however, I'm wondering will they be able to be shipped to Australia and other countries? I love collecting Neopets merch! Thank you for your time and I hope you have a great weekend! ~~bubbles150
Hi there! Thank you so much for the plushie compliments! I wish I had better news to share, but at this time Australia and New Zealand are among the list of countries we aren’t able to ship to at the moment due to restrictions on international shipping in general. :C We hope this changes soon and will make sure to post about it on social/in the news if/when this changes! ~~Gutterfoot

Because it's the Advent calendar and the Snowager is always sleeping, does that mean there is absolutely no chance of getting the avatar for the entire month? On top of there already being no chance to get the avatar because it's broken? Inquiring minds want to know! :) ~~peamess
That’s correct. You cannot get the avatar this month as the Snowager is hibernating. The avatar isn’t broken though and we can confirm you can still obtain it outside of the Month of Celebrating! The percentage chance is just… very, very, very slim… Good luck to you in the New Year on the avvie! ~~Gutterfoot

The new Fir Cookies released through the Advent calendar on 12/6 is a duplicate name for Fir Cookies released long ago. Please fix this. Thanks ~~gemini_a88
Thank you for the heads up! We have renamed the item to “Superior Fir Cookies” to reflect their vastly superior taste. ~~Aesop

Hi! I've noticed and I'm sure quite a few people have noticed that the new Tyrannian Bruce color has a weird shadow WITHOUT the bow that looks like a bow and it's also missing part of the lineart. Can these be fixed please? It's really hard to customize it with these issues. ~~missjitterbug
Terribly sorry about that! Our artists recently gave this paint brush some much-needed love. They were able to clean up that lineart and remove those lingering shadows from the bow, so happy customizing! ~~Aesop

Hi. The Advent Calendar prizes have been great! One of them is Snowagercone , which is currently classified as "Food." I think it would make more sense to classify it as "Snow Food" because it's a snow cone. I'd love to put in in my gallery alongside all the other icy foods. Could Donny please remedy this? Thanks. ~~_brainchild_
This is an excellent suggestion! I’m sure Inah would agree the Snowagercone fits better under the Snow Food classification! We will be sure to have Donny make a change! ~~Aesop

Hello TNT, I am currently writing to you from underwater. Apologies if this message is soaking wet and illegible. But I noticed that both Mutant and Babies have gotten special NC releases this year (Mutant's got a gram, Baby got a new mystery capsule AND an RR cap), but very little for Maraquans. As a big fan of Maraquans and with the exciting new Maraquan pets released this year, we really could use some new wearables for them. Please give them the love too! ~~yuriofwind
Hello! No worries at all, I’ve towel-dried this message and then put it under a blow dryer so I was able to read it just fine. x) Great observation! We like to cycle releases like this and Maraquan pets are next in line! :wink: ~~Miss Rainbow

Where is the best place to find the Advent calendar? ~~durple39
The easiest way to get to the Advent Calendar is to click on Explore in the top menu, and then scroll down to Terror Mountain, once there the Advent Calendar is at the top of the map in the middle. ~~Kikocat We are looking to hopefully add a quick access button on the homepage soon though, so stay tuned on that! ~~Gutterfoot

Hello! I was wondering, what might be the judging criteria for the poetry gallery? A number of people I've noticed have been submitting multiple poems only to get TMGE's for all of them, and they're left confused on how to improve. Are poems chosen purely on quality, and if so what might distinguish a publishable poem from a TMGE one? Or are other factors involved like number of previous poems published or time submitted? Thanks! ~~twillieblossom
This is a great question I often see pop up! Poems are judged on a variety of criteria including:

Writing Quality - The quality of the work is the first thing we look at. Poems can of course be more surreal and less linear, but they should still be easy to read/follow. Putting some emotion into your writing, whether they are silly poems that make the judge laugh or cute poems that tug at the heartstrings, always helps improve your chances.

Theme - Since most poetry galleries are themed days, how users write about the theme is important. For example, if there are a plethora of poems about the same character for a pet day, then chances are only one or two poems about that character will be chosen. So coming up with different/uncommon themed poetry ideas can help!

Rules - Following the rules is another big one. These are the same as the site rules, so the major things to stay away from are romance, violence, and real-world references

Grammar and Punctuation - We try not to be too strict about these since English is not everyone's first language, however if there are a multitude of errors and mistakes, your entry will be less likely to be chosen when compared to others who put in the time and effort to polish their writing.

Length - Haikus are fun, but a single one is not enough to win a poetry contest. If you chose a shorter style format such as a Haiku, make sure to include at least a few so that your submission is long enough to be considered.

Previous wins/activity - Although the above rules are the most important, when it comes down to choosing between poems of relatively equal quality we tend to give more chances to users who have never submitted before (or at least not in a long time). Although it may seem trivial to someone who has won countless poetry prizes, receiving a trophy recognizing you for your writing can be monumental for new writers who have never received any positive feedback on their work before. This validation might inspire them to write more entries for the poetry competition or even branch out into other creative contests/projects! At the end of the day, the Neopian Times is all about fostering the tremendous creativity found in the Neopian community!

I hope this all helps! Please keep in mind that we receive so many poetry entries for each pet day that unfortunately we are not able to accept everyone, even if they do submit multiple poems. ~~Aesop

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