Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 197,029,774 Issue: 958 | 15th day of Eating, Y24
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword itaela

Week - 802

High-Protein? Who Knew?!
by aeronamous
Description: Decisions decisions...

Also by itaela

Week - 923

Winter in Neopia
by muddywater1
Description: Enjoy this wintery crossword puzzle. Answers will be revealed in the next issue! Collab with itaela and freehanded

Week - 923

The 12 Differences of Christmas
by itaela
Description: Try to spot the 12 differences in this hectic holiday scene! Collab with rorylorelai333 and muddywater1

Week - 928

Sutek's Lost Crossword
by muddywater1
Description: Enjoy this lost desert themed crossword puzzle. Previous puzzle's answers are included. collab with itaela & freehanded.

Week - 929

Krawk Island Crossword
by muddywater1
Description: Enjoy this krawk island themed puzzle collab with itaela and rorylorelai333

Week - 931

Illusen's Word Search!
by muddywater1
Description: Enjoy this Illusen Day Word Search! Collab with itaela and the_gecko_dude_ii.

Week - 958

Finally Spring!
by itaela
Description: Spring is finally here! collab with muddywater1 and rorylorelai333

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Great stories!


A Grey Day Crossword
A crossword celebrating Grey Day and all the best things about it!

by birdinggal


Bonju's Kitchen Nightmare
Cookbooks aren't ACTUALLY for cooking... collab with terragainsborough

by katiekazoo


Avatar [MIS]Adventures!
A story about the fortunes and 'MIS'fortunes of avatar collecting! collab with rodel_27phoenix

by 4mandy4


The Fate of Valeane
"The task she was about to undertake was dangerous and entirely unfamiliar to her. Intrusions could have dire consequences."

by herdygerdy


A Grey Grarrl Lost its Toy - Detangle!
Poor Grey Grarrl needs your help! collab with gamador and tsezar

by dollsuki

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