Stand behind yer sheriff |
Circulation: 197,029,774 |
Issue: 958 | 15th day of Eating, Y24 |
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Headlines "Finding Home" by bunny_power657 I don’t remember the girl who created me. I was too young and she didn’t last very long anyway, maybe a day, maybe two. But I do remember where she left me. The Pound. It’s a dark, dismal place if you’ve never been. Pets went crazy in there, sitting day after day, their hearts lifting every time the bell rang over the door, only to have it sink once they realized that the owner who had entered would not be the one.
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UC Customization Guide: Grey Edition "...More people than ever will own Neopets of the older art style, and hopefully this guide will help give everyone some ideas on how to customize a Neopet that is restricted in what kind of wearables they can use."
by aleu1986 |