Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 197,029,774 Issue: 958 | 15th day of Eating, Y24
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Continued Series

The Swashbuckling Ballad of a Vandagyre

The final verse!

by flufflepuff
Another Hero's Krawk Island

the penultimate chapter!

by precious_katuch14
The Fate of Valeane

"The task she was about to undertake was dangerous and entirely unfamiliar to her. Intrusions could have dire consequences."

by herdygerdy
The Return of Destiny

Chapter 2: "The story to tell. Light and dark faeries"collab with sportsagain and noelia_pets

by venused
Lost Origins

the final chapter!

by fuzzballjesse
Nyx the Captain of the Guard

the final chapter!

by rkbear
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"A Statue's Grey Day" by erroro
Xandra was having a good day. Though it was not as she would have thought to be a good day, long ago. Or not so long ago. It was hard for her to discern things like the date, the year, worldly events and so on. Standing solidly frozen as a statue could do that to a pet. Nevertheless, Xandra had thought to herself that it would be a good day. This day specifically. She was trying a new line of thinking. A brand new, shiny perspective.

Other Stories


A Distressed Heart
"There is a lot to a name. It’s a word that describes a person perfectly."

by ribbon_cute


An Exclusive Interview with a Grey Kacheek
"Garth continued to look at her with his light blue eyes. 'I couldn’t have picked a gloomier day to interview this pet,' she thought, but considering his disposition it seemed quite fitting."

by ssj3gotenks18


A Non-Gloomy Grey Day With Dyeworks Wearables
"In honour of Grey Day, we have gathered some non-gloomy grey Dyeworks items for your viewing pleasure---"

by _brainchild_


This Interview Isn't Rubbish - Meet the Dung Faerie!
In honor of the return of the "That's Not Rubbish" avatar, an interview with Neopia's most elusive faerie

by fox_confessor


UC pets need warmth too!
Give them clothes!

by talky_toon


A Magic Day At The Super Happy Icy Fun Snow Shop
First days at a new job are always tough.

by penguinbandaid

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