The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 197,125,118 Issue: 964 | 15th day of Swimming, Y24
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword annikkiadepp_

Week - 851

Crazy for Nerks
by innosently
Description: When you become obsessed with Nerkmids...

Collaberation with annikkiadepp_

Week - 964

Food Analysis with A
by annikkiadepp_
Description: The five desserts made in Neopia that will make your mouth water/your skin crawl.

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Great stories!


An Inventor's Dream
"Donny held up a magnifying glass to the bent roller blades and picked up a neon green wheel with a small sigh as he rattled off a quote for arguably his most frequent customer." collab with shin0bi_

by therainbowsheep


Castle Planners Journal: The Lost Oubliette
"In the deep depths of Meridell Castle, an Orange Bori rubbed the cold, damp late Winter air out of his frigid paws. He descended the stairs toward the dungeons, his least favourite part of the castle."

by ferretboy85


A Grey Area: Taking Flight
Sometimes your perceived weakness is actually your greatest strength!

by deadzzi


A Yooyu for Every Season
"Everyone loves the Altador Cup, and really, who wouldn’t? It’s a special event that can both bring together all Neopia and spawn bitter rivalries between normally friendly residents of different lands."

by speelyrox


Bad Idea, Dude: Apple Bobbing
This is not the time for puns.

by fluffy_bumbkin

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