Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 197,125,118 Issue: 964 | 15th day of Swimming, Y24
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Food Analysis with A

The five desserts made in Neopia that will make your mouth water/your skin crawl.

by annikkiadepp_
Brute Force Spawning On The Neopets Site!

"I was absolutely thrilled when TNT updated the Meridell Rubbish Dump! It first opened on July 14, 2003, but it wasn’t until recently that people could obtain the 'That’s Not Rubbish' avatar by snagging certain items."

by indulgences
Kau Day Fair at the Kau Kau Farmgrounds, but Vegan!

"Ahre, reporting live from the grounds of Kau Kau Farms to bring some outreach to the fair goers during the weekend. My heart was called here today to report on the celebration of the Kau, pronounced as Cow, a gentle and kind creature living amongst its herds on the farm."

by _ahre_
A Guide to Choosing the Perfect Petpet Species

Written by Your Local Petpet Shop Shopkeeper

by ferulax
Dia in the Spotlight

"Whimsi Dia has agreed to a short interview just before the Altador Cup. Thank you for your time Whimsi!"

by kaioti
A Yooyu for Every Season

"Everyone loves the Altador Cup, and really, who wouldn’t? It’s a special event that can both bring together all Neopia and spawn bitter rivalries between normally friendly residents of different lands."

by speelyrox
Brain Freeze: Perfect Altador Cup Slushie Selections

"In true Altador Cup spirit, no summer is complete without kicking Yooyus, screaming until your voice is hoarse, and drinking slushies until your brain feels permanently frozen."

by lunarchronicles
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Brain Freeze: Perfect Altador Cup Slushie Selections

In true Altador Cup spirit, no summer is complete without kicking Yooyus, screaming until your voice is hoarse, and drinking slushies until your brain feels permanently frozen. But when you're craving a bit of an icy kick, there are dozens of options (literally) to choose from, and if you're racing back to see if your team has scored with that Darigan Yooyu yet, you may not have a lot of time to ponder your options.

Other Stories


Profiles of Players
"The Moehog sits across from me, and even the most discerning eye would be hard-pressed to find evidence of nerves. Nothing about him gives away that this cool player had just minutes earlier finished a hair-raising game of Cheat."

by sleepythegrown


Kingston the Gentle..Kougra
Who says chivalry is no longer around?

by rkbear


Valrigard's Travels: Freedom
"Valrigard held his breath as well as any expert diver as another dull Purple Grarrl guard stomped past. The guard was not but a few tail-lengths away from where Valrigard was hiding, but his deep blue scales blended in well with the shadows of the rocky dungeon wall."

by mutagens


Tyrannian Concert Hall Bands: An Origin Story
The final chapter!

by honorrolle


Self-recognition through the Other
You HAVE to.

by alphachicky


Happy Yurble Day: Word Search [Puzzle]
A Yurble-rific crossword!

by isabelleke49

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