Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 197,125,118 Issue: 964 | 15th day of Swimming, Y24
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Self-recognition through the Other

by alphachicky

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The Ultimate Altador Cup Crossword [Puzzle]
Take a shot at this winning crossword puzzle! collab with theguy2020

by coconut_rat


Brute Force Spawning On The Neopets Site!
"I was absolutely thrilled when TNT updated the Meridell Rubbish Dump! It first opened on July 14, 2003, but it wasn’t until recently that people could obtain the 'That’s Not Rubbish' avatar by snagging certain items."

by indulgences


A Guide to Choosing the Perfect Petpet Species
Written by Your Local Petpet Shop Shopkeeper

by ferulax


Altador Cup - Garven Hale's Dream
Everyone wants to be like Garven collab with djpedoca

by neschulz

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