Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 197,125,118 Issue: 964 | 15th day of Swimming, Y24
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New Series

Valrigard's Travels: Freedom

"Valrigard held his breath as well as any expert diver as another dull Purple Grarrl guard stomped past. The guard was not but a few tail-lengths away from where Valrigard was hiding, but his deep blue scales blended in well with the shadows of the rocky dungeon wall."

by mutagens
Farewell, Faerieland

"The Vaughns had sat their daughter down and broken the news as gently as they could. Not that it helped. Divina still wasn’t taking it well."

by 77thbigby
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"An Inventor's Dream" by therainbowsheep
”Yer sure ya want me to repair this thing? It'll cost ya 373 NP!" Donny held up a magnifying glass to the bent roller blades and picked up a neon green wheel with a small sigh as he rattled off a quote for arguably his most frequent customer. Sure, the older Bori repaired toys for a living, but he preferred the scenario where he was fixing a toy because a child broke it playing with as opposed to experimenting with it.

Other Stories


Castle Planners Journal: The Lost Oubliette
"In the deep depths of Meridell Castle, an Orange Bori rubbed the cold, damp late Winter air out of his frigid paws. He descended the stairs toward the dungeons, his least favourite part of the castle."

by ferretboy85


Profiles of Players
"The Moehog sits across from me, and even the most discerning eye would be hard-pressed to find evidence of nerves. Nothing about him gives away that this cool player had just minutes earlier finished a hair-raising game of Cheat."

by sleepythegrown


Food Analysis with A
The five desserts made in Neopia that will make your mouth water/your skin crawl.

by annikkiadepp_


Brute Force Spawning On The Neopets Site!
"I was absolutely thrilled when TNT updated the Meridell Rubbish Dump! It first opened on July 14, 2003, but it wasn’t until recently that people could obtain the 'That’s Not Rubbish' avatar by snagging certain items."

by indulgences


What a Coincidence: Dribblet Chair
You could literally make this chair out of anything else.

by jjensen688


When you lose to your neopet at Godori
You were thiiis close. collab with pisces_babe_

by hotredfirefaerie

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