The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 197,125,118 Issue: 964 | 15th day of Swimming, Y24
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Tyrannian Concert Hall Bands: An Origin Story

by honorrolle


Thank you so much reader, for joining us in our last week of this series spotlighting band of the Tyrannian Concert Hall! This week you probably have already guessed that we are finishing off strong, giving Jazzmosis the centre stage. I have been given the ultimate privilege of obtaining insider information and exclusive interviews by an unnamed source. I can’t believe we are in the finale of our weekly band adventure. It’s truly been an honour and a privilege writing about these musical legends.

     This week, once again, we will be talking all about the early days of the band, famous songs, special concerts, how the band got started- all things Jazzmosis for all you Jazzheads out there. Tune that big string bass, get the mellow keys loose, it’s time to dive into the world of smooth jazz.

     As you know, Jazzmosis is made up of Miles D Blumaroo on Keys, Ella Chia on vocals, Louis Elephante on horns, Kenny Grarrl on the saxophone, George Kyrii on the Upright Bass, and Johnny C Nimmo on percussion. The group surprisingly originated from Faerieland, despite being known for its neutral theme. Louis Elephante was the Neopet that started this whole train a’ rolling. I had the privilege to be able to sit down with these Tyrannian Concert Hall Legends the other day.

     So Louis, tell me how Jazzmosis began. What is the origin story of one of the most prominent and influential music of this generation?

     “Thanks for sitting down with us. Yous a cool cat, you know? So, my buddy George Kyrii owns a music shop, and he was hosting a little informal jam session. We have these a lot- whoever shows up picks up an instrument and just goes for it. We all sort of naturally play as long as it feels right, and there are a lot of turns in jazz, everyone gets to shine. A bunch of us attended these sessions and got to know one another, preferences, likes and dislikes and really, we just naturally grew together. We’d practice our favourite instruments on our own, and get together and just have fun. There were no expectations. A music critic actually came to the shop for a lesson and overheard the end of our jazz session and told us to head to Faerieland for a formal battle of the jazz bands competition live on the radio, so we treated it like a jam session. We had no practice really besides what we already had been doing,” Louis recalled.

     No practice at all? You did not rehearse anything before the battle of the bands?

     “None. Like I said, it was all very chill and natural. Nothing was forced. So, we played “against” 11 other Neopian bands and ended up winning. A record producer actually approached us and asked us if we realised that winning the jazz battle of the bands allowed us some free studio time, and I said, Naw dog, we just playing for heart. He insisted, and soon, we were in there jazzing it up in the fancy studio in Faerieland.”

     So, you essentially, with no practice or intention, formed a band, won a contest, and recorded in a music studio?

     “I mean, it sounds crazy, I guess, but we are really chill. I think a lot of us were sort of already in our prime years, and had sort of mastered our craft. Once you know the theory of music, you can sort of play around and break the rules more. I feel like that’s with anything, really.”

     Okay, you recorded some things in a professional studio with a producer. So, no one in the group was a professional musician before this? What happened next?

     “Besides my friend at the music shop, no. We all did gigs on the side for some extra spending Neopoints, but nothing bigger than that. Next, the producer really loved what he was hearing and asked us to consider trying this full-time. Really actually sitting down, writing songs and playing together regularly. To be honest, I was floored. I knew we had a lot of talent among our group, but to be recognised, it all sort of fell into our laps without any planning or intention. I think when you love music, like truly love it, it’s not a chore to play what you love. We love jazz, it’s pure and simple. Well, Jazz is anything but simple, but the love we have for it is pure and simple.”

     Can you explain exactly what Jazz music is to those who haven’t heard it before?

     “Oh, the tragedy of not hearing Jazz music before! Sure. It’s very broad, but essentially, it is very improv-style music. There is a boundary of chords and keys we stay in, there are rhythms that we stay together in, and a lot of layers of notes all mashed together in a very cool way. So, you have this framework of music, and if you stay in the framework, each musician can kind of have their improvisation within that framework. It’s really beautiful how different backgrounds of people with their art of their instrument come together to make this complex and interesting sound. Jazz music is like a canvas, but you have to see the colours in your mind.”

     Alright, you made an album. How was it received?

     “I mean, people liked what we were playing, and the album sold really well. Skalpo was buddies with our producer and ended up adding us to the lineup somewhat quickly at the Tyrannian Concert Hall. Some of the members had filled in for other band members that already played at the hall, so it was a pretty natural transition. We love sharing our music with everyone. When we started to play in front of others rather than in our jam sessions or in the studio, I feel like something really changed in our music. It sort of became alive and elevated us to want to be even better. Jazz is sort of a way to talk to each other, there are rises and falls of the volume, changes in tempo, and each song has a way of telling a story. When you have a live audience, you can sort of feed off that energy, and the story is just a little different every night you play.”

     There are a lot of really great hits you have here. I particularly love the scatting Ella does in “Take the B Neotrain.” What is the story of that song?

     “Well, Ella wrote that one and obviously is a very talented Chia vocalist in general, but we had no idea of her scatting abilities until she broke them out in a jam session. We were amazed and told her she had to add it into a song. Instead of adding it, we actually just wrote it together. It’s really a story about our band. It’s all about how we were apart, and we all sort of took a chance at this really amazing opportunity. This opportunity ended up working out, and we are all together and now couldn’t imagine not doing this. Like, how amazing is this life? Anyway, it’s all about jumping into this crazy life together.”

     It was a pleasure sitting down with Louis Elephante, trumpeter extraordinaire. You can tell he is one of the greats, just from the effortless way he uses his craft. The years of experience and the confidence he exudes simply radiates off of him, in his cool grey jazz “uniform”.

     You can catch Jazzmosis playing in the Tyrannian Concert Hall on the 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th of each month, with an additional special Christmas performance in December. Also, check out the Neohome 2.0 Store for great deals on Blue, Green, Yellow and Red Jazzmosis Framed Posters! They are always rave hits in Neohome parties!

     Skalpo has been so kind in giving us a 10% off coupon for this week’s Jazzmosis concert ticket, as well as one extra souvenir item to bring back to your Neohome and cherish forever. Jazzmosis items available are: Jazzmosis T-Shirt, Jazzmosis Hat, Jazzmosis Glasses, Jazzmosis Poster, Jazzmosis Biography, Jazzmosis Plushies (Jazzmosis Blumaroo Plushie, Jazzmosis Chia Plushie, Jazzmosis Elephante Plushie, Jazzmosis Grarrl Plushie, Jazzmosis Kyrii Plushie, Jazzmosis Nimmo Plushie), and lastly, a Jazzmosis Speaker.

     It’s hard to know how to end a life-changing series like this, being exposed to all sorts of amazing music and being given the chance to exclusively interview each band in depth. I’ve seen, heard and reported on the musical stylings of Twisted Roses, M*YNCI, Chomby and the Fungus Balls, Blue Kacheek Group, and Jazzmosis over the last five papers, and have enjoyed every minute. I hope that I can have opened your eyes, dear Neopian, to different styles of music, encouraged those with musical aspirations to start practising early and often, and encouraged you to make music a part of the world around you. I truly believe Neopia is a better place with music. Encore!

      The End.

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» Tyrannian Concert Hall Bands: An Origin Story
» Tyrannian Concert Hall Bands: An Origin Story
» Tyrannian Concert Hall Bands: An Origin Story
» Tyrannian Concert Hall Bands: An Origin Story

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