There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 197,125,118 Issue: 964 | 15th day of Swimming, Y24
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We found the following 11 result(s) for the keyword kaioti

Week - 683

All You Ever Wanted to Know About Faeries
by kaioti
Description: Delina has kindly agreed to answer some of the questions most on the average Neopian mind regarding faeries.

Week - 759

A Moltaran Interview
by kaioti
Description: The mayor of Moltara has taken time out of his busy schedule to answer some of the questions most on the average Neopian mind when it comes to Moltara.

Week - 760

A Royal Interview
by kaioti
Description: Today we have a rare chance to meet with not one, not two, but three leaders of Neopia! King Hagan, Lord Darigan, and King Skarl!

Week - 763

Southward Bound: Part One
by kaioti
Description: Osa quickly introduced herself to Brynn and Hanso. “Since you’re both going to the same place I am, we could join our forces together. I must admit that I’d feel much better with two heroes along with me!” “Hey, that sounds great! Her magic, your sword, my expertise in acquiring stuff!”

Week - 764

Southward Bound: Part Two
by kaioti
Description: "I’ve always heard rumours that he’d had a secret base at the South Pole, but I never dreamed they were real!” said Osa. “This is not good. There’s no way we could take on a whole Sloth base by ourselves!” said Brynn.

Week - 765

Southward Bound: Part Three
by kaioti
Description: What lay before them was a sprawling valley filled with woods. It had lakes and rivers as well as beautiful waterfalls. There was a clearing where a wooden house stood all by itself. It had a steeply sloped roof and seemed to be standing on beams made to look like wibreth legs. Once they landed near it they all got out to look around. “Hello! Is anyone here?” called out Osa.

Week - 766

Southward Bound: Part Four
by kaioti
Description: “Well, I could wish Furgles the Luckiest Babaa was here. There is a way to detach the artefact, and this device has hinted at how to reverse what it did, but there is one small problem in reversing it.”

Week - 790

Journey through the Centre of Neopia: Part One
by kaioti
Description: The snow-covered face of Terror Mountain was just beyond the volcano, but the area felt more like Lost Desert. She shook her head. The natural weather patterns of the different lands of Neopia were best left to the experts. She was about to leave when she saw something shiny.

Week - 791

Journey through the Centre of Neopia: Part Two
by kaioti
Description: Koris opened his eyes reluctantly and saw a yellow and green blur against a brown blur. Then the image snapped clear and he sat up. “Kauwyn!”

Week - 874

The Neopia You Never Knew
by kaioti
Description: Think you know everything there is to know about Neopia? Think again!

Week - 964

Dia in the Spotlight
by kaioti
Description: "Whimsi Dia has agreed to a short interview just before the Altador Cup. Thank you for your time Whimsi!"

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Brain Freeze: Perfect Altador Cup Slushie Selections
"In true Altador Cup spirit, no summer is complete without kicking Yooyus, screaming until your voice is hoarse, and drinking slushies until your brain feels permanently frozen."

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An Inventor's Dream
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Bad Idea, Dude: Apple Bobbing
This is not the time for puns.

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