White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 197,125,118 Issue: 964 | 15th day of Swimming, Y24
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword mutantmetal

Week - 964

Guess the avatar by my really bad drawing of it [Puzzle]
by mutantmetal
Description: Which avatars are these? The world may never know.

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Bad Idea, Dude: Apple Bobbing
This is not the time for puns.

by fluffy_bumbkin


Kingston the Gentle..Kougra
Who says chivalry is no longer around?

by rkbear


An Inventor's Dream
"Donny held up a magnifying glass to the bent roller blades and picked up a neon green wheel with a small sigh as he rattled off a quote for arguably his most frequent customer." collab with shin0bi_

by therainbowsheep


Brute Force Spawning On The Neopets Site!
"I was absolutely thrilled when TNT updated the Meridell Rubbish Dump! It first opened on July 14, 2003, but it wasn’t until recently that people could obtain the 'That’s Not Rubbish' avatar by snagging certain items."

by indulgences


AC's End - Yooyus' Secrets and Advantages
Keep these handy for next year! collab with aninha_morango and marinamilford

by dollsuki

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