Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 197,128,178 Issue: 965 | 29th day of Swimming, Y24
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We found the following 17 result(s) for the keyword theguy2020

Week - 943

Unpleasant Memories of Venomous Vines in NeoQuest II
by preksolanx
Description: Don't these new clothes look amazing! Collab with corrina404 and theguy2020

Week - 946

by preksolanx
Description: Sure thing buddy, here you go! Collab with corrina404 and theguy2020

Week - 947

Four Reasons to Love Slorgs
by preksolanx
Description: How can something so slimy be so cute! Collab with corrina404 and theguy2020

Week - 948

Annual Gormball Championships: The Crossword
by coconut_rat
Description: Just how much do you know about Gormball? collab with theguy2020

Week - 948

It's Their Birthday Too!
by preksolanx
Description: We're celebrating a really special birthday today!!! Collab with corrina404 and theguy2020.

Week - 950

A Very Familiar Scene Nowadays, Ft. Aesop
by preksolanx
Description: What brings you to the Neopian Times office today good sir? Collab with corrina404 and theguy2020

Week - 952

Food Club: The Pirate Training Regimen
by coconut_rat
Description: A special group of pirates have engaged in a different sort of training: stuffing their bellies with food! collab with theguy2020 and llttss

Week - 953

A Jhudora Day Crossword
by theguy2020
Description: Happy Jhudora Day! Collab with coconut_rat and preksolanx

Week - 955

A Guide to Creating Your Own Neoboard Block Font
by preksolanx
Description: "Contrary to popular belief, block fonts are not extremely difficult to create!" collab with corrina404 and theguy2020

Week - 956

Illusen Day Crossword
by coconut_rat
Description: It's not puzzling why Illusen is everyone's favourite! collab with theguy2020 preksolanx

Week - 957

Top 10 Neopets April Fools Jokes through the Years
by theguy2020
Description: "Since then, TNT has been surprising users with funny, strange, and sometimes terrifying April Fools pranks each year on the 1st day of the month of Eating." collab with coconut_rat and corrina404

Week - 959

A Festival of Neggs Crossword!
by theguy2020
Description: Can you solve the puzzle? collab with coconut_rat and preksolanx

Week - 960

A Beginner's Guide to Reselling
by coconut_rat
Description: "Have you found it more difficult to collect stamps, finish your gallery or even paint your pets?" collab with theguy2020 and corrina404

Week - 961

An Interview With Neopia's Largest Shop Owner!
by theguy2020
Description: "Using your shop is the way many Neopians sell their items that they get from restocking, dailies, site events, and more. So, we thought: how do the biggest and best shops work? Find out with this exclusive interview from the owner of Neopet’s largest shop - Neopia’s own - 5tar!" collab with Collab with: coconut_rat and corrina404; interviewed 5tar

Week - 962

Fyora Day Crossword [Puzzle]
by theguy2020
Description: A Fyora themed crossword to honour the Queen! collab with coconut_rat and preksolanx

Week - 964

The Ultimate Altador Cup Crossword [Puzzle]
by coconut_rat
Description: Take a shot at this winning crossword puzzle! collab with theguy2020

Week - 965

Meridell Travel Guide
by theguy2020
Description: "After the news of a possible three plots coming in the next year, Meridell vs. Darigan is back in the spotlight! Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the great battles between the regions of Meridell and Darigan will be a very grand event all over Neopia – but probably most celebrated by those who took part." collab with coconut_rat and cpssgh1004

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Un día en Darigan//One day in Darigan
"Yo vivo aquí a pesar de tener un clima difícil porque siempre está oscuro, e incluso cuando no lo está, el cielo esta nublado. No todo está maldito en cierto modo este lugar tiene su encanto."

by clari_hikari


Burying The Hatchet
Some grudges aren't worth holding onto... collab with darkobsession and hasse_li_37

by javascripter


Meridell Takes the Cup
In a better world...

by sophitell101


Ancient Home: Part 1
"Shrieking in the night within the circle of torches around them, a mass of horned evil coconuts gathered in front of their king. The tribe lived in an uncharted area on the southern shore of The Isle of Fay." collab with joanna_lewis

by kebicorn


A Hero's Journey: It Takes Two - Part 1
"The war room of Meridell Castle was full of knights either seated at the table, jostling for position on the floor, or standing around wherever they could find room." collab with twillieblossom - thumbnail artist

by precious_katuch14

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