Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 197,004,487 Issue: 956 | 18th day of Running, Y24
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Illusen Day Crossword

by coconut_rat

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Neordle 3
The next Neordle is here!

by darkroast


Growing Greener
"It's possible to make the change for a greener, more environmentally friendly yard, and the rewards for doing so are great for both wildlife as well as for your family and friends."

by parody_ham


A Dinner at the Gelerthive Manor
"'What in- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!' Sebastian went to speak, but knew the flamethrower was too loud, so he shouted over the noise of it."

by jirachi_iralicha_


What to Do if You Missed Jhudora Day
"...Here are a few simple steps you can take to possibly prevent horrible misfortune from falling upon you as consequence for your chronic forgetfulness."

by acwellen

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