Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 197,004,487 Issue: 956 | 18th day of Running, Y24
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What to Do if You Missed Jhudora Day

"...Here are a few simple steps you can take to possibly prevent horrible misfortune from falling upon you as consequence for your chronic forgetfulness."

by acwellen
A Neopian World Tour of Green-Coloured Foods

"...In honour of the Illusen/Green-themed Neopian Times issue, Lervi and I will be doing a Neopian world tour of green-coloured foods."

by _brainchild_
How to Brighten Your Illusen-esque Customs

"...In order to bring out Illusen's greens and browns, I needed to add just a touch of red and blue!"

by swordlilly
Illusen's Quest Trophy Guide

"As you enter her glade, the kind Earth Faerie is ready to give you errands that will send you running around Neopia like a mad Drackonack..."

by hunni_bun_137
10 Reasons to Recycle in Neopia

"Recycling that ole Fake Plastic Rod of Nova is a much better option than throwing it away to be forever in a landfill NOT magically zapping things, since it’s, well, fake."

by honorrolle
Growing Greener

"It's possible to make the change for a greener, more environmentally friendly yard, and the rewards for doing so are great for both wildlife as well as for your family and friends."

by parody_ham
Ways to Celebrate Illusen Day!

"While we should celebrate Illusen and her kindness every day, here are a few ways to make Illusen Day extra special!"

by midnightsmores
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"A Dinner at the Gelerthive Manor" by jirachi_iralicha_
The Gelerthive Manor, though located in the creepy, foggy, almost always rainy Neovia outskirts, was pleasant and calm, as the manor always was around this time. The young master, Ciel Gelerthive, the Earl that owned this mansion here, was still asleep in bed. The servants were strangely quiet (who knows what they are doing) and Sebastian was humming a soft, elegant song as he prepared breakfast for the little lord.

Other Stories


Bo the Sandman
"So many were afraid of the woods, that few ventured out at night, which suited Bo just fine. He could visit all his favorite places without the crowds."

by rkbear


A Dinner at the Gelerthive Manor
"'What in- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!' Sebastian went to speak, but knew the flamethrower was too loud, so he shouted over the noise of it."

by jirachi_iralicha_


My Journey to Faerieland
The finale to this faerie feature!

by black_skull725


The Fate of Valeane
“Though if you would be so kind as to convene the whole council, I fear it is a matter that all of you will wish to be involved in. We believe the Darkest Faerie may be involved.”

by herdygerdy


For Your Special Day...
What do you get a Faerie who has everything?

by flusia


I like Crosswords...
Book Faerie? Library Faerie? Punny Faerie? YOU decide!

by evelynlupin

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