For an easier life Circulation: 197,004,487 Issue: 956 | 18th day of Running, Y24
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Illusen's Quest Trophy Guide

Illusen's Glade. Serene, peaceful and wonderfully green. Here is my guide to completing her quests and getting that adorable high score trophy, and maybe even an avatar! As you enter her glade, the kind Earth Faerie is ready to give you errands that will send you running around Neopia like a mad Drackonack... I mean, running to the shop wizard at full speed!

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Illusen and the Chocolatier
"When he looked up to see who it was, he gasped, and so did the Scorchio..."

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Get to know Illusen
This time, we would like to get to know the real Illusen. The face behind the quests. What does she do with her free time? Does she like soup? What happens with all the furniture she asks for her quests?

by maryannyks


Growing Greener
"It's possible to make the change for a greener, more environmentally friendly yard, and the rewards for doing so are great for both wildlife as well as for your family and friends."

by parody_ham


Illusen's Quest Trophy Guide
"As you enter her glade, the kind Earth Faerie is ready to give you errands that will send you running around Neopia like a mad Drackonack..."

by hunni_bun_137


Maam & Mussshhhy
You look great.

by plutos


Illusen/March Themed Wordsearch!
We FIND Illusen to be one of the cleverest faeries in Neopia!

by zed16

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