Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 197,128,178 Issue: 965 | 29th day of Swimming, Y24
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Discovery of Meridell Pop Quiz! [Puzzle]

by heroically

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Great stories!


The Tri-Kingdom Games
"Twenty years ago was when the fate of three kingdoms changed. When Lisha and her friends inadvertently travelled back in time and intervened in the first Meridell-Darigan War, it prevented the destruction of those two kingdoms and Meridell’s sister kingdom, Brightvale; the change to history bringing them all forward in time inside a time bubble."

by pikachu315111


Meridell Travel Guide
"After the news of a possible three plots coming in the next year, Meridell vs. Darigan is back in the spotlight! Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the great battles between the regions of Meridell and Darigan will be a very grand event all over Neopia – but probably most celebrated by those who took part." collab with coconut_rat and cpssgh1004

by theguy2020


New Family, Old Rivals
Old habits can be hard to kick.

by kuroneko_kitty


La rivière empoisonnée - Partie 1
"Persil était bien confortablement installé au pied d’un grand chêne. Le soleil brillait et la délicate brise effleurait doucement les poils de la fourrure noir et blanc du jeune Gelert à Pois en cette agréable journée de printemps."

by petitehirondelline

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