teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 197,147,861 Issue: 967 | 26th day of Hiding, Y24
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We found the following 9 result(s) for the keyword crazyboutcute

Week - 951

A Snowbunny for Emir
by crazyboutcute
Description: It was on a whim, and nothing more...

Week - 952

The Ninja and the Pirate King
by crazyboutcute
Description: The first time Akihiko lays eyes on Laurence of Kingsgrange, the pirate king is in chains...

Week - 953

The Ninja and the Pirate King
by crazyboutcute
Description: ...but it takes him only moments to confirm what he already knew; the pirate is gone.

Week - 954

The Ninja and the Pirate King
by crazyboutcute
Description: "Laurence takes a few moments to absorb this new information before saying, a little smugly, 'A thief, eh? You and I are not so different.'"

Week - 955

The Ninja and the Pirate King
by crazyboutcute
Description: the penultimate chapter

Week - 956

The Ninja and the Pirate King
by crazyboutcute
Description: the final chapter of this swashbuckling tale

Week - 965

Armistice - Part 1
by crazyboutcute
Description: "Squire Meekel is too old to be a squire, and he wishes Haskol would stop calling him one."

Week - 966

Armistice - Part 2
by crazyboutcute
Description: The penultimate chapter!

Week - 967

Armistice - Part 3
by crazyboutcute
Description: the thrilling conclusion!

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