For an easier life Circulation: 197,147,861 Issue: 967 | 26th day of Hiding, Y24
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A day in the life of a Snow Wocky..

by mgrytsay

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Treasures of the Desert
Team Kreludor go team bonding in the Lost Desert. ... What could possibly go wrong?

by pikapi20


When life gives you lemons...
... You make a kite out of a shirt. Sorry, I didn't make the idiom. collab with crazy_allstar and hasse_li_37

by tangamandapiano


Honor Among Thieves - Pant Devil's Comic
Is there no justice? collab with iam_puma_master and dollsuki

by marinamilford


The Tyrannian Food Shop: Public Opinion
"Everyone likes a good bite to eat, right? Well, I sure do. In honour of Tyrannian Victory Day this year, I visited the Tyrannian Foods shop, which is run by a Kacheek. Although he only speaks Tyrannian, one of the locals kindly translated for us. "

by _brainchild_

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