Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 197,147,861 Issue: 967 | 26th day of Hiding, Y24
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword kath602

Week - 382

What happens when...
by kath602
Description: discard items?

Week - 964

Daily puzzle woes
by kath602
Description: No hard feelings to the puzzle setter! Some people just got a little excited.

Week - 967

Plot puns
by kath602
Description: The pun doesn't gets everyone's en-door-sement

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When life gives you lemons...
... You make a kite out of a shirt. Sorry, I didn't make the idiom. collab with crazy_allstar and hasse_li_37

by tangamandapiano


NeoQuest: The Struggle
Let's start with glasses and go from there...

by butterflybandage


Spot the Difference Edition #14 [PUZZLE]
Can you find the 10 differences? collab with chantluigi and sandralala

by not_sporty


Random Oddness
They went home hungry.

by mistyqee


"Drip...drip...drip…drip… The ceaseless patter of the droplets were a sombre metronome marking his slow slip into oblivion. His ragged breathing, the only other audible noise, but even that felt muffled by the oppressive darkness."

by cinnabonski

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