Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 197,125,118 Issue: 964 | 15th day of Swimming, Y24
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Daily puzzle woes

by kath602

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Farewell, Faerieland
"The Vaughns had sat their daughter down and broken the news as gently as they could. Not that it helped. Divina still wasn’t taking it well."

by 77thbigby


Spot the Difference Edition #12 [Puzzle]
Can you find the 10 differences? collab with chantluigi and sandralala

by not_sporty


A Yooyu for Every Season
"Everyone loves the Altador Cup, and really, who wouldn’t? It’s a special event that can both bring together all Neopia and spawn bitter rivalries between normally friendly residents of different lands."

by speelyrox


Profiles of Players
"The Moehog sits across from me, and even the most discerning eye would be hard-pressed to find evidence of nerves. Nothing about him gives away that this cool player had just minutes earlier finished a hair-raising game of Cheat."

by sleepythegrown

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