Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 197,160,716 Issue: 968 | 9th day of Gathering, Y24
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword iam_puma_master

Week - 950

Annual Job
by tonyrichard
Description: Get ready to... collab with iam_puma_master

Week - 957

Talk is Cheap
by crazy_allstar
Description: Collab with 49_g_a_b_r_i_e_l_49 and iam_puma_master

Week - 960

Happiness is in the Details
by crazy_allstar
Description: It's the little things... collab with 49_g_a_b_r_i_e_l_49 and iam_puma_master

Week - 965

A War Over the Plague - Two Decades of Peace! [Puzzle]
by dollsuki
Description: A crossword puzzle with some bonus trivia! collab with aninha_morango and iam_puma_master

Week - 965

Time heals all wounds... or does it?
by crazy_allstar
Description: True friends get matching petpets. collab with 49_g_a_b_r_i_e_l_49 and iam_puma_master.

Week - 967

Honor Among Thieves - Pant Devil's Comic
by marinamilford
Description: Is there no justice? collab with iam_puma_master and dollsuki

Week - 968

We Finally Agree!
by iam_puma_master
Description: We love Mutant Day! collab with d4nielgr and dollsuki!

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Neopets Pixel Cross Puzzle #2 [PUZZLE]
The perfect pairing of art and puzzle!

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Interview with the Almost Abandoned Attic Visitors
"...there is a small peculiar shop located deep in Haunted Woods that litters with Neopians from all walks of life: the Almost Abandoned Attic, or more commonly known as AAA among its frequent visitors."

by redpirate21


Learn to See Not Just Look
"It is a dry, barren, rocky wasteland, perpetually covered in fog that casts a shadow over the area even in the daytime. Giant and small bones of every kind litter the landscape. The area is geothermally active, containing many steam vents."

by shashakar


Hello, Kiko Lake
"The Vaughns’ first full day in Kiko Lake was spent moving in and beginning the unpacking process. This was even harder than packing! Her new bedroom was only the size of her closet back in Faerieland. There was no way all of her things were going to fit!"

by 77thbigby


Gambling to Become a Neopian Millionaire!
"There are so many ways to gamble on Neopets! From betting in Food Club to opening mystery bags, there are tons of ways to get rich quick! In this article, I will lay out some of my favourite and more profitable ways to gamble your Neopoints!"

by midnightsmores

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