Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 197,160,716 Issue: 968 | 9th day of Gathering, Y24
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Hello TNT! Are there any plans to remove the boring book function? My poor Jubjub can never win a book award because he has a short name and boring books are calculated by the amount of characters in a pet's name, and longer named pets now have an advantage over him that didn't exist up until a few years ago when new books stopped being translatable. It would be greatly appreciated if this could be looked into as it's an outdated function that can be unfair to those with short names - thank you! ~~xxkatie_wxx
Hello! We have been discussing a solution that could give a way for Neopets to read boring books along with eating gross foods. We’ll share more information as we get closer to updating it. ~~SunPotato

Hi TNT! *hands over a slightly stale cookie* I've come back after a long hiatus and I'm excited to see the Neopian Times still running. However I was wondering, with all the changes to other newspapers over the years, if the Times could adopt some modern features? It would be great to be able to save favourite articles, search the editorial for old answers, and even have a mobile edition. Maybe a comments section and additional submission formats as well? Thanks! ~~misty_donna
*inspects stale cookie and eats it anyway* hiya! Excited to have you back! The Neopian Times is long over due for an update and those features would be lovely. We’ll add this to our to do list and look into it. ~~Sunpotato

Greetings, TNT! *hands you a Happy Face Latte with a donut* May we please have the interactive map of Neopia back on the Explore page? It was always one of my favourite things about neopets, being that it would transport me (in my imagination) to that fantastically magical world. Thank you so much for your time and thank you for this amazingly fun website. Have a jolly day! *tips hat and saunters off into the sunset* ~~me_r_cy
Hello! We started the development of the conversion of the Neopia Map and are hoping to get it through testing so we can get it out and back into the game. Happy to see that you are excited to see it again! ~~Yarner

Hello TNT, I was looking back at your site conversion notes and noticed the last big update happened at the start of April. It's now almost September and we haven't heard anything. When will the next update happen? Cheers! ~~ivoryrosefrost
We are working hard to continue converting the more popular pages on the Neopets site. We sometimes have to pivot to focus on events to ensure everything is working swimmingly for everyone. Events like the Altador cup, Festival of Neggs, and even the security updates that we are making take a lot of effort from our team. The team’s focus is now looking at the holiday events and getting those to a state where everyone can enjoy. We have many plans in place, we are finding the bandwidth to work on the converted pages and the quality of life fixes we know you all are trying to see. Thank you for the question! ~~Yarner

Hi there, I'm super stoked about all of the new mutant items released! However I noticed for the Blood of my Enemies Mutant Makeup item, it incorrectly says "If you have enough enemies, then this makeup could last you a while! This item is only wearable by Neopets painted Mutant. If your Neopet is not painted Mutant, it will not be able to wear this NC item.". It's a neopoint item, not an NC item. I hope this doesn't affect it being able to be restocked as I'm excited to see how it looks! Have an awesome day :D ~~leitra
Thank you so much for bringing this mistake to our attention! The word “NC” has been removed from the description of this item as well as from the descriptions of the Mutant Book, Mutant Milkshake, and Mutant Leather Armor so that we can avoid any confusion about these being NC items instead of NP items. We had a great time designing these new NP Mutant items and hope you all have fun customizing your pets with them (: ~~Aesop

Legend has it that in the spring of 2013, a wearable NC item called Bag of Water Petpets was released for only a few minutes. A few minutes?! You could be such an epic hero if you released this item into the mall for a month or season. The hero we need right now! (and how about updating it by making it wearable for vandagyres...?) *I'll just leave this Faerie Cake here for you, but it is in no way a bribe.* ~~_caviabriar_
Hello! This item is now not only wearable by Vandagyres, it has been released back into the NC Mall, BUT there is also no retirement date for it now! You can now have fun customising with it forever! Enjoy :) ~~ Miss Rainbow

There are a lot of players on premium on the hep chat board asking if there will be a premium membership sale this year. Is there anyway we can find out if they are having one this year and the time frame it will happen. Thank you. ~~bearden61

Hi. When will the annual Premium sale be? I'd like to renew at the better price. ~~_brainchild_

We are working on updating our current payment system. When this is completed, we can move forward with the premium sale. We have every intention of making the sale this year, and we are very close to implementing this and will commence with the premium sale once complete. ~~Yarner

Hello TNT, As you may know, I've closely followed the happenings in Faerieland for a while now. The one thing that has confused me is I've read the Neopedia entry about the Hidden Tower and it mentions Queen Fyora's servant and friend, Celandra. However, I have not seen any other instances where Queen Fyora has appeared with her friend. So what happened to Celandra? Does she still work for Her Majesty? Please explain this important mystery! Thanks! ~~black_skull725
I’m sure Celandra is happy to know you are thinking of her! There’s no need to worry, though. She is still happily working for and gossiping with Queen Fyora! Do keep an eye out for her as she may be out and about soon! ~~Stone

Hi TNT! I'm looking forward to the Faerie Quest event later this year and the new NC items that Delina the Crating Faerie will bring! However - I missed out on many years of her Quests and some of the items are so rare now that it's hard to find anyone trading them! Could we possibly get a Delina's Quests Retired Capsule during the Faerie Festival? List of items on /~Aisobel. Thank you! ~~cherry_25
Hello! That is a great idea! Some of those items are so fun and magical, it would be amazing for more people to own them. We would love to do a retired capsule and squeeze it in for this year, but if not, its something we will definitely keep in mind for next year. :) ~~ Miss Rainbow

I notice there aren't any color options for Tekkals. Is it possible to request to see some more Tekkal options? *cough* Faerie *cough* ~~neoreturnee
Hello! With fall around the corner, we have been brainstorming on what types of items to release and I think we can totally fit in a few masculine baby items. Keep an eye on the Fall Shop this season! :) ~~ Miss Rainbow

The new Booktastic Books- S750 Kreludan Defender Robot’s Tell-All Book & Bernard’s Booktastic Book Club Book glitch with the apostrophe use. Would there be any way to fix this? It makes it pretty difficult to search for sometimes. Thanks! ~~honorrolle
Thanks for looking out! Our editors have reviewed the titles and fixed the mistake. ~~Stone

Hello TNT: I know times are plenty busy right now, but one very small question -- shouldn't "Scroll Keeper Nimmo Tome" be a book and not a wearable? Thanks! ~~Anonymous
Hello! Very curious about why that book thought it could be worn haha… But no worries- this item is now categorized as a book! Thanks for bringing this up and happy reading! :) ~~ Miss Rainbow

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