The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 197,160,716 Issue: 968 | 9th day of Gathering, Y24
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New Series

A Walk in the Woods - Part 1

"The clock said five thirty in the morning, and the sun was just beginning to wake up at the edge of the Haunted Woods. It was going to be a great day!"

by cyber1ofkakoradesert
And Time Stood Still - Part 1

“You’re burning up,” Lydia told her Uni, her hand resting just beneath the Uni’s horn.

by kaitlinhoneybee
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"Scroll of the Fool" by cazcazig
Leigume, the Woodland Mynci had spent months studying the six elements of Neojutsu. As the son of a trickster, he kept the Scroll of the Fool with him at all times. This parchment was developed in Brightvale and contained instructions for an ancient step known as "The Mote Dance". However, the manuscript not only inspired one's footwork but also influenced thoughts of mischief.

Other Stories


The Secret Origin of Magical Chia Pops
This is the secret origin story of how magical chia pops were created.

by purplekat20


Bandy- A Bori story about finding home
A lost Bori finds a new home

by rkbear


Interview with the Almost Abandoned Attic Visitors
"...there is a small peculiar shop located deep in Haunted Woods that litters with Neopians from all walks of life: the Almost Abandoned Attic, or more commonly known as AAA among its frequent visitors."

by redpirate21


How to Start Making NP on a New Account
"So, you've made a new account. Maybe you lost your old account after a long break, or maybe you just wanted to start fresh. Whatever the reason, you're starting from scratch, and you're probably eager to get started making NP."

by somebun


We Finally Agree!
We love Mutant Day! collab with d4nielgr and dollsuki!

by iam_puma_master


Spot the Difference Edition #15 [PUZZLE]
Can you find the 10 differences? collab with chantluigi and sandralala

by not_sporty

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