A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 197,257,326 Issue: 975 | 13th day of Sleeping, Y25
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword annikkiadepp_

Week - 851

Crazy for Nerks
by innosently
Description: When you become obsessed with Nerkmids...

Collaberation with annikkiadepp_

Week - 964

Food Analysis with A
by annikkiadepp_
Description: The five desserts made in Neopia that will make your mouth water/your skin crawl.

Week - 969

Tips for Aspiring Poets: How to Get Published
by annikkiadepp_
Description: "It is possible that you’ve read about a possible “Jack of all trades” avatar and thought to yourself, “it’s time to get cracking and send in a poem”. Perhaps you just want to add yet another golden trophy to your cabinet or get the chance to win amazing prizes."

Week - 975

The mystery of the missing Neopian Times
by annikkiadepp_
Description: "No Neopian Times? Those slackers!" Collab with zomg_its_lc

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A Neopian Traveler’s Guide to Affordable Backgrounds
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The Weewoo’s Nightmare During the 975th
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by starofcolors


Avatar Giver Support Group
It can be tough being an Avatar Giver! Collab with t0tor0

by serein


Weewoo Wonders
Happy 975th issue and happy holidays!!!!

by 1992jk1995


Neopets Pixel Cross Puzzle #6
Can you solve this?

by krabby_55

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